Bridget Smith

I think Michael Phelps has an above-average face, but it leans more geek than jock, so it clashes with the rest of him. Everyone thought Ryan Lochte was SUPER hot until he started winning races and they started doing interviews with him, and then we all got really sad.

Our last two dogs were purchased from a breeder, because my mom is wildly allergic and needed something hypoallergenic. We got cockapoos. They were delightful dogs, and since it's a mixed breed, they're not inbred to the point of terrible health: all their health problems late in life were caused by, you know, being

Yeah, given that he's 3, Shaggydog is pretty damn awesome. My sister named a stuffed dog Puppy at that age. I named a doll Doll Doll. Rickon's doing pretty well, I'd say!

But what if they're still infected?

I miss them more than anything else from last season.

Because I mostly judge episodes of Smash based on how much I liked the musical numbers, this was my favorite this season. Ivy singing "Let Me Be Your Star"! Minimal pop numbers! A song from "Hit List" performed like an actual theater piece! (I thought the staging of that was terrific, largely because of the dancers.

That was easily my favorite scene this season.

Ok, after thinking about this for 24 hours, I've figured it out: My problem is that I didn't really feel the emotion because less than a minute before, the episode pulled the rug out from under us. I HATE that if it's not serving a real narrative purpose, and logical acrobatics aside, I don't think it did here. So

Not much of that is very different from what modern-day archaeologists are digging up from thousands of years ago.

A gross of seeds, in fact!

Check the Stray Observations.

Ok, true. But I stand by my point that it didn't do anything for the story's forward momentum, especially as they all happened so far in the past.

Holy crap did I not reread that comment. I'm not going to edit it, though. REVEL IN MY POOR WRITING SKILLS AND REPETITIVE WORD CHOICE.

As much as I enjoyed this episode - and I really did - it felt kind of pointless. It turns out that nothing we saw happened, and all we had at the ending was a definite date for something we knew was going to happen at the end of this season anyway. The ending was quite moving, but we were still standing still.

I thought the same.

Agreed on all fronts. Warrior really features his remarkable ability to switch effortlessly between vicious and heartbreaking. That character could've been such a cliche without his intensity.

Fun fact: last summer I actually created a Blockbuster account (the last remaining location in New York City is 10 blocks from my apartment) so that I could finally watch Warrior. It went up on Netflix streaming only weeks later. I've been waiting for RocknRolla to do the same, but I'm afraid it won't happen until I

If you stop watching This Means War about three-quarters of the way through, it's a romance between Tom Hardy and Chris Pine, and that movie is excellent.

These photos are such good promotion for the movie I'm beginning to think they're intentional. I don't care as long as they keep coming.

@avclub-96d5a6aac738589c6314561f56a8a6c5:disqus Hahaha, Cornell.