Bridget Smith

I agree. It wouldn't be hard at all for Jack to get her auditions, and she's good enough that she'd get parts out of those. She's not running off to be a housewife; she's moving to a different side of the art she loves, and maybe she'll never be famous and maybe it won't be the same - but she's not really giving it up.

I was saying last night that I wish this show rested on Megan Hilty and Christian Borle, with lots of visits from the chorus members we briefly saw last night. I miss them, and they really helped make it feel like the theatre world.

Agreed. I have a lot of respect for the people who make actual mash-ups of lots of songs and layer them in interesting ways, but taking the vocal from one song and pairing it with the instrumental from a different song is both a pretty basic skill and only entertaining for its novelty factor.

Yeah, back when they were still in the old format (and three-quarters of their posts were reviews or interviews), they got me to read a lot of books I hadn't heard of elsewhere. Some I even loved. But I don't have the time to sort through the noise anymore, and the world I live in throws more books than I can read at

I used to follow them, but about a year ago I found that the nonsense I didn't care about outweighed the actual book reviews. Considering there's nothing I actually want to look at on the front page right now, I'm feeling pretty good about that decision. (There's ONE real book review, and they couldn't even put the

Minor request: alongside the release date, could you include the publisher of the books reviewed here? I work in publishing, so I'm often curious, and knowing that can sometimes clarify the feel of the book. Thanks!

It does look cool, but the point of The Wizard of Oz is that the Wizard was a fraud and the Witches were the powerful ones. I'm not happy with how this movie seems to be completely inverting that.

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus It's not that disliking The Princess Bride is a definite dealbreaker for me, but if you don't like it, we probably won't like each other very much.

On Tuesday, my roommate walked in the room while I was watching Smash and asked if it was Nashville. (I'm a sucker for musicals, clearly.) So inevitably I wound up comparing the two. Both are a little bit soapy, neither is as good as it could be, but Nashville's getting better while Smash is getting worse. Both are at

Ahh, THAT'S why I recognized him! I couldn't for the life of me remember which character that was and why he looked so familiar. Thanks!

It's fixed, it's fixed!

I walked into that movie going, "Who would ever choose Tom Hardy over Chris Pine?" I walked out saying, "Why did that idiot choose Chris Pine over Tom Hardy?" So. Good things have come from it!

Violence + sad eyes? Was this role written specifically for Tom Hardy?

God, Hugh Laurie would be the best.

As we saw from his all-too-brief stint on Pawnee Today, this might be the ideal job for Ron Swanson.

For three movies in 2005, it seemed like Rachel McAdams was going to be huge, and as seen here, she absolutely deserves it. She's so good, and she's so effortlessly charming. Her career trajectory is baffling when you know this.

How pretty? SO PRETTY.

@avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus Of course not! I'm a dude who looks like Rebecca Hall. And, um, calls himself Bridget.

Considering I was once told I'm a dead ringer for her, I'm not sure how I feel about this.

It's the opposite problem from most movies/shows about art, where they have to work really hard to convince you it's as good as the characters say it is. Here, they have to convince us that anyone could possible NOT NOTICE that Michelle is the best in the room. It actually works really well in displaying how difficult