Bridget Smith

SHE'S NINE. She shouldn't HAVE to "survive" it.

That article is like the horoscope of manliness: vague enough that everyone can think it describes them, and complimentary enough that they'll put themselves through mental contortions to do so.

I found out right before watching this episode that Jack is played by the cousin of a friend of mine, so that was particularly satisfying to see.

@avclub-2699a553580f039ce51cb742ed676ad2:disqus The only guy either Gilmore dated who was worth anything was Luke. Goddamn, did they have bad taste in men. (Ok, Dean wasn't terrible - until the whole cheating thing - but he was quite bland. Good first boyfriend, but nothing more than that.)

I was the same way when I did high school/community theater. Even my agreed-upon best performance - Wicked Witch of the West, natch - was too uncomfortable for me to get through watching a full monologue. It makes you completely second-guess all your choices. As unpleasant as that is, it's often necessary for

He said last week that he'd seen the first three episodes of Community, so that review has probably already been written.

I think I would actually be giddy with delight over flowers in an Erlenmeyer flask.

And it still does! It's not the music that's aging, it's @avclub-b3e157f795f95a0eeddae30fc92ebd3d:disqus (sorry, dude).

This was the ultimate existential question of the radio station I used to work at. Every so often, someone would ask, "How do we define alternative?" and everyone would groan. Basically it comes down to: doesn't sound like most current pop; would not appeal to mainstream rock stations; no one else is playing it yet;

Guys. You know what the difference is between North Dakota and Canada? An arbitrary line. Can't we all just get along?

He's divisive. I know a lot of people who think he's sort of cute but in an unattractive way. I think he's weird-looking but in a very attractive way, and I fully acknowledge that this might just be that I have a crush on Eleven.

Hey, pick on anything else you like! The way she dresses, the way she behaves, the roles she chooses. I won't try to sway you. I've got my irrational hates too; I get it! And sometimes there's not even something you can articulate. But it seems particularly elementary-school to make fun of her *name* because you can't

It always bothers me when people pick Zooey Deschanel's name to hate on. It's the only thing about her personal presentation that was not her idea.

I got Groupon tickets to the current production of The Fantasticks, starring Aaron Carter. He wasn't bad, but my friend and I felt so awful for the kid playing the Mute: he'd played the male romantic lead previously, and had clearly been in the running for it this time, until they cast a former teen pop star instead.

I was sold two minutes in, during Geoffrey's speech with the lights and the thunder. Overdramatic, well-performed theater? I'M IN. I didn't care what else they did, as long as they had that.

@paraclete_pizza:disqus That was hyperbole for the sake of making a joke/impact.

You really do. It's not even one of those songs that can get you out of a bad mood: it's just sort of an expression of the good mood you're already in.

"The whole concept behind the song—that all anyone wants is to love and be loved—is kind of a childish notion as well. Maybe it’s true, but it’s certainly not a deep, adult topic to sing about."

And I'd like to see this "Fred Trump's" birth certificate as well. How do we know that's not just what the orangutan was named?

Of course, today's first-class tickets cost the same as coach tickets then, so I guess it's only fair.