Bridget Smith

Yeah, I can't even with this one. I've heard good things, but I'm just done with this whole subgenre.

Yeah, I can't even with this one. I've heard good things, but I'm just done with this whole subgenre.

M*A*S*H wasn't set in a hospital, per se. It confronted mortality in the context of war, which is a lot more distant for most viewers than, say, the hospital down the street, and most of the people who died on it did so from violently-sustained wounds.

M*A*S*H wasn't set in a hospital, per se. It confronted mortality in the context of war, which is a lot more distant for most viewers than, say, the hospital down the street, and most of the people who died on it did so from violently-sustained wounds.

DAMMIT. I've been collecting likes.

DAMMIT. I've been collecting likes.

I was profoundly bored by the book, which I read after seeing the musical as a witch- and musical-obsessed awkward teenager. The show hit me deep in that place of resonance, and it was hugely important to me, so I can't get into intellectual arguments over it. People have tried. I just shut down. I disliked the book

I was profoundly bored by the book, which I read after seeing the musical as a witch- and musical-obsessed awkward teenager. The show hit me deep in that place of resonance, and it was hugely important to me, so I can't get into intellectual arguments over it. People have tried. I just shut down. I disliked the book

I feel like Connor's whole train of self-destruction could've been so easily derailed by a single word at the right time, which is heartbreaking. Clearly he's got deeper self-esteem issues and a great self-loathing, but he was living with it fine until he got that first niggling sense that maybe it was deserved.

I feel like Connor's whole train of self-destruction could've been so easily derailed by a single word at the right time, which is heartbreaking. Clearly he's got deeper self-esteem issues and a great self-loathing, but he was living with it fine until he got that first niggling sense that maybe it was deserved.

Yeah, they seem to go up on Hulu a week later, but they're on the CW site right away. And it actually gets better from the pilot - I sort of can't believe how much plot/character development they've already gone through.

Yeah, they seem to go up on Hulu a week later, but they're on the CW site right away. And it actually gets better from the pilot - I sort of can't believe how much plot/character development they've already gone through.

I checked out The L.A. Complex because hey, Jewel Staite, and it turns out it's actually pretty good! Not my taste at all, but I'm really enjoying it. I would actually watch it live tonight, but my TV still doesn't have working sound, so I'll probably remember about it a week from now and watch it on the CW website

I checked out The L.A. Complex because hey, Jewel Staite, and it turns out it's actually pretty good! Not my taste at all, but I'm really enjoying it. I would actually watch it live tonight, but my TV still doesn't have working sound, so I'll probably remember about it a week from now and watch it on the CW website

Bran is so adorable I was practically crying over him from his first scene, knowing what would come. Well done there.

Bran is so adorable I was practically crying over him from his first scene, knowing what would come. Well done there.

Tom and Eileen and the hilarious catty chorus boy who changes loyalties every 2 minutes. He is my favorite and I want to be friends with him, because all he does is make snarky comments and dance well. That is basically what this show should be.

Tom and Eileen and the hilarious catty chorus boy who changes loyalties every 2 minutes. He is my favorite and I want to be friends with him, because all he does is make snarky comments and dance well. That is basically what this show should be.

I think it'd be weird if her son just disappeared, so they can't cut the actor altogether.

I think it'd be weird if her son just disappeared, so they can't cut the actor altogether.