Bridget Smith

Oh man, @avclub-87e5534d9bc0a57552c66125db770c46:disqus , you're totally right. I'd never know who he stood for without the A.

Oh man, @avclub-87e5534d9bc0a57552c66125db770c46:disqus , you're totally right. I'd never know who he stood for without the A.

I wish I'd known the premise ahead of time, actually. I almost skipped it because I don't like horror movies and it looked sort of dull. I finally dragged a friend to a matinee, and within 10 minutes I was like, "OH. I'm going to LOVE THIS. Why didn't anyone explain?"

I wish I'd known the premise ahead of time, actually. I almost skipped it because I don't like horror movies and it looked sort of dull. I finally dragged a friend to a matinee, and within 10 minutes I was like, "OH. I'm going to LOVE THIS. Why didn't anyone explain?"

Plus, it makes no sense. It's not like the forehead is the most vulnerable part of the face, this won't protect him from stuff falling on his head, and everyone already knows his identity. They couldn't just give him a proper helmet?

Plus, it makes no sense. It's not like the forehead is the most vulnerable part of the face, this won't protect him from stuff falling on his head, and everyone already knows his identity. They couldn't just give him a proper helmet?

That's a lot of gritted teeth, right there.

That's a lot of gritted teeth, right there.

Every time I listen to Funky Ceili (which I love), I thank God my parents went with Breda as my nickname rather than Bridie. Incomprehensible is preferable to mockable. Plus, I just like it more.

I thought Bottle Shock was delightful. Not a great work of cinema, but a fun little movie to watch when you want to be in a good mood. Also, I enjoyed Alan Rickman's perfect example of how every Brit speaks French: with perfect enunciation and no attempt whatsoever at the accent. (I also enjoyed Chris Pine's hair, in

Basically the season where Barney & Robin date is the nadir, agreed upon both by people who want them together and people who don't. Since then it's been better, even if not at the heights of the early seasons.

Someone on my Twitter feed is upset that GCB got cancelled while Don't Trust the B was renewed. I am the opposite of this person. (I mean, I <3 Kristin Chenoweth and want her to have a job, but not enough to actually watch GCB.)

This band suffers from the fact that the first song I heard of theirs was "Hold It In," and I think that's the most adorably clever song I've ever heard. Nothing else quite measures up, even though I like it well enough.

@avclub-68e8e6860586596c1e7a37aa64d3fba4:disqus I usually come to things too late, so I'm like, "Well, I can't afford to buy the entire series of The West Wing/The X-Files/etc. all at once, so I will clearly just never buy it ever." I spend my limited entertainment budget on books instead.

Same here. GREAT show, but I almost never buy actual seasons of anything.

It doesn't seem like she has trouble finding them at all, just with finding ones she wants to keep around (and then keeping them around).

@jerodast:disqus It's not a thoughtful reminder of how lucky you are - a reminder I don't need most of the time - it's a way to discredit someone's emotions. So screw you, roommate who makes more money than I do and pays less rent. Let me feel my feelings for 10 minutes.

I am really upset about this, in case you couldn't tell. And my roommate interrupted the cathartic rant that WOULD have made me feel better with a "First world problems!!" which just made me want to punch her in the face, so now I feel worse.