Bridget Smith

You know, I support the right of artists to prevent other people making money off their work if they want. But dude. You already signed off on this, accepted the money for it, and watched your song shoot to the top of the US charts, making you bucketloads of money. You've lost the right to complain that it didn't

I was living with a gymnast when Make It Or Break It came out, and she made us all watch it, and now I'm HOOKED. It is mostly unabashedly terrible, but the few ok moments keep me coming back.

Taylor Kitsch: not NEARLY as big a miscalculation as Jake Gyllenhaal. At least I don't laugh when I see him with long hair.

He also directed the pilot and a couple other episodes of Kings, which is a freaking fantastic show set in what is essentially a dystopia. He may have had nothing to do with the writing, but I will trust anyone connected to that show to know what they're doing.

The Fight is my favorite episode ever, and the debate is my favorite West Wing episode. I cannot wait for next week.


I pretty quickly reached a point where all I wanted from a dystopian novel was the premise. They have to be pretty damn spectacular for me to enjoy them at this point, but I still sort of love hearing the descriptions of the worlds.

I was 10 when the first Harry Potter book came out. Within a year, I was also reading The Odyssey and attempting A Tale of Two Cities (I was not quite up to that one, though I loved the poetry of its famous first line and puzzled over this mysterious new spelling of "gaol"). While I loved The Odyssey, Harry Potter was

Also, why is one form of "brainless" entertainment better than another? Why is it better to spend an hour or two a day playing a video game than reading a kid's book, given that the writer assumes they're both thoughtless and take the place of more "useful" pastimes?

Chaos Walking is so good it hurts.

I am positive there will be Firefly references. I might end up watching this episode after all.

I work inside their BRAINS.

Aahhhh I'm super excited that this column exists. Hurray YA! (I may be biased: I work in it.)

Well, they were married. For - *checks Wikipedia* - five years. Wait, that's it? I thought it was a lot longer. Huh.

Yeah, basically this.

Yay, boss-lady nominated for Best Editor! I don't work with her in that area, but she's really smart and lovely and edits REALLY good books, so I'm excited for her.

Yeah, @avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus : they don't mean "dramatic" as in "non-comedic," they mean "dramatic" as in "performed." It's the accepted use of the term in publishing, used in contracts and everything.

I've only read Dance With Dragons and will honestly be sort of annoyed if it wins. I've had Among Others on my to-read list for months, though. (That list is so long that it's mostly sorted by the books I get for free or really cheap, so the fact that I haven't read it doesn't mean I don't really want to.)

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus That's what I wanted the first one to be. I would've been pretty much completely satisfied if it had just been the two montages - recruitment and training - stretched out to an hour and a half.

Well, if you didn't die in battle, you sort of did? I mean, it was awfully hard to get into the Elysian fields, and the rest of it was just awful. Hence the three-headed dog guarding the way back.