Bridget Smith

…do you really think that we don't know who Colin Firth is? It took me longer to figure out "stuttering king."

I liked Love Actually too. The fact that it's full of the best British actors alive helps a lot - if the cast weren't so talented, it wouldn't have worked nearly as well.

I would probably watch this, not gonna lie.

I used to adore Bones: for a while there it was able to regularly churn out funny and poignant episodes with decent filler in between, plus I was an anthropology major whose school didn't offer enough classes on dead people for my taste. So it was perfect! Now it just makes me sad.

While I'm still struggling to convince my gaydar that Schmidt is actually straight, I love him and Cece together. They're hilarious and surprisingly sweet, and I did not expect that to ever happen.

My roommate came back from a trip to Vietnam with a bunch of the green tea ones. A couple days later she came into the living room and asked me, "Do you like green tea Kit-Kats? I don't, so you can have them if you want." Apparently she expected me to both know that they existed AND have eaten them before, like they

This week's Ringer title makes me nervous.

The Broadway stuff is also the hook. No one who isn't interested in that isn't going to watch it anyway, so toning it down pleases…whom, exactly? Certainly not the audience they have, and the audience they don't have will never care.

The daughter almost justified her entire existence by picking up on his eavesdropping shadow on the door and yelling at him before slamming the door in his face. Not gonna lie, I applauded with glee at that.

I have three Kazakh cousins, and honestly, if you didn't know where they were from you wouldn't even be able to hazard a guess. The closest might be Mongolia, but their features are more European and their skin tone more South Asian. Now, they're all from the same orphanage, so I can't say this for the entire country,

I think those are the costumes that are supposed to be goofy.

It's weird that you say this, given that the last article about the Hunger Games had several people asking if it was too girly a book for their teenaged nephew/son/etc.

In theory I love this idea, but in reality, I'd be burned out around the third movie. Also, I have no desire to see Iron Man 2 again. Or Incredible Hulk at all.

Ironic, isn't it?

I feel like this conversation happens every time his name comes up. I hate it, but I just can't help it.

It's pretty much the fault of the marketing, but I read this great article about how the marketing team KNEW that what they were doing wasn't going to work, but the director kept shooting down everything they proposed to change that. He was banking on "John Carter" being the sort of recognizable franchise that

This is the truth. I saw them shortly after It's Frightening came out, at a tiny little venue that was actually a club (that night actually happened to be fetish night at the club, so all these people started showing up in S&M gear as they were breaking down the equipment), so they were about 4 feet away from me and


Oh dear. Your second pun was ALREADY a horse metaphor and you made it neither horse-related nor actually a pun with poor spelling.