Bridget Smith

Well, the fact that SHE vomits is pretty helpful.

Hey, if they could do it in the Colosseum for ship battles, we can do it for dolphin racing!

Would they still call them horses when talking about them, or would they change the dialogue too? I prefer the first, but that might get weird.

It even features both of them getting beaten up by a wealthy Englishman and his English butler. Man, that movie is quite the metaphor!

Watched that movie in my European Ethnography class one day - we had long enough classes that we could fit the whole thing in. We all emerged blinking into the sun afterwards, shell-shocked and incapable of speech.

Right? This was weird phrasing. "He had typhoid, but the pinkeye was WAY WORSE."

The thing I find fascinating about Black 47 is that they're not really an Irish band, they're a 19th-century New York band. Which means there's lots of Irish immigrant stuff in there, to be sure, but also dozens of other influences on both the material and the sound. They're like a musical interpretation of the New

I just watched "The Wind That Shakes the Barley" this weekend and had a similar experience. Great movie, but so unpleasant that I had to pause for a breather every 20 minutes. It just never lets up.

Seconding @avclub-ee188463935a061dee6df8bf449cb882:disqus .

Yup, back then it did. Six episodes later it changed its mind, and now we all pretend the first season didn't happen.

That was a pause-to-laugh moment for me, but I don't have a DVR, so I sort of missed the thirty seconds right after.

They're also really good about weird, high-quality indie movies. I've actually watched and enjoyed a ton of movies that I would never have seen otherwise, or even known existed. Best was possibly TiMER, which is a small-scope/high-concept sci-fi movie focused on a handful of people and their relationships with each

Ugh, I went there to try them because I refuse to buy expensive headphones without listening to them. Mine did have a couple in the $100 range, which was what I was looking for, but most of them sounded terrible and over-emphasized the bass. Ultimately I went with the Sony V6, which we used at my radio station so I

I use my Sony V6s on the subway because they mute the outside world enough that I can listen to my iPod at half volume rather than wrecking my ears by turning it all the way up. They're heavy to carry around, but it's worth it.

I didn't understand why they sent Jerry and his wife to a B&B in Muncie when they already have a time-share there.

Chaos Walking is SO, SO GOOD. Ugh, gut-punchingly good. It took me a couple chapters to stop flinching at the style, but by the end I loved it, because Patrick Ness is just such a good writer. Definitely better than Hunger Games, but also harder to get into and vaguely off-putting, partly because it's a weird and

The entire thing is exciting things happening to other people, who then tell a catatonic Katniss about it. This would be pretty much fine except that she's our narrator, so all we see is her hiding in closets and getting third-hand reports on battles. This may be realistic, but it's lazy, boring storytelling, and

The best was that time one of my coworkers at the radio station thought the singer of Silversun Pickups was a girl and the singer of Paramore was a guy. Still not sure how he got that one.

When I saw them in concert, she was wearing gold leather pants. GOLD LEATHER PANTS. It was awesome. (Fantastic show, too!)

"Orientate" is what gets me. WHY.