Bridget Smith

That "for a YA series" just kills me. A) It's unflinchingly honest no matter what you compare it to, and B) there's a hell of a lot of unflinching honesty and great quality in YA. Just because it's written for teenagers doesn't mean it's all crap. (There's a LOT of crap, don't get me wrong, but I don't think there's

It's sort of too bad she's got that Disney taint, because she's actually a pretty good actress and quite funny. This is not the death knell it sounds like.

No. If he thinks this is "too girly" just because it's narrated by a girl and has, like, emotions, then that's an actual problem. He'll probably love them, especially if he likes dystopian fic.

That's because the third is a lazy piece of crap. But the first is great!

I would like to live in Liz's New York, where that get-up is all that's required to get you your own car on the B-train (one of the less pleasant trains in the city). Granted, the super-stinky gym bag MIGHT clear a car, but her brand of crazy was really quite mild.

Honestly, I think it's more telling of low self-esteem when someone refuses to ever look bad.

That's because autism symptoms become most visible at the age when children are vaccinated. It's that whole correlation/causation thing again.

Ooh, thanks! Epidemiology is seriously fascinating.

But I'm not sure I can burn all the neck-stumps myself!


That metaphor only works in this instance if you then convinced a whole bunch of people to eat that turd. And while I might not like you for it, I would still concede that that was an impressive feat.


Guys, can we…can we not have the argument that is the point of Whitney? This is just making me sad.

I don't really want kids, but I'm horrified by the thought of being 70-90 and not having a whole huge family like my grandmother (whom I now call The Dowager) did. I'm not sure what the solution here is. Waiting till I'm like 60 and then marrying someone with grown-up kids?

I think it's hilarious/bizarre that they named the twins in Ringer Siobhan and Bridget yet don't make any reference to how specifically Irish that is. (I assume. I don't watch the show.)

Oh crap, I knew that. I actually only just watched that a few months ago. Excuse my stupidity and inability to remember names.

Saoirse Ronan: so fucking Irish it's almost unbelievable.

Heh, my friend's mother is Brazilian but so fair that she's constantly asked if she's Scandinavian. (Her accent is a little weird and hard to place, so that helps.)

…is this a Chime reference? Because I could totally get behind that. Actually, that's PERFECT.

No. No no no. They're both MUCH too interesting and charismatic and talented for that, even if they vaguely resemble each other. Go look at this: 
http://ohnotheydidnt.livejo… And then try to tell me she should date either of those guys.