Bridget Smith

This is it exactly. I don't find any of the plot elements too ridiculous in and of themselves: it's the way they never actually change anything that drives me crazy (at least this season - last season was better about that, see: Pamuk). When they introduced the "lost heir," I was like, "Well, THAT'S ridiculous, but

However, she also manages to find some spectacularly unflattering drop-waist dresses. Mary didn't have a single bad outfit in two years - everything looked gorgeous on her - but then the 1920s roll around with their awkward fashions and she looks terrible. She may have worn that red dress to shreds, but damn if it

The only moment I cared about them this season was that one shot in the garage when she's leaving and he stops her with a hand on her hip and for about 5 seconds you're POSITIVE they're about to have sex right there on the floor of the garage. Hot.

I bet she adores badass Abby, too.

I feel the same, except it will probably end up with me dragging myself to it. I…I just really like Chris Pine's face, ok?

Plus a Rhode.

We had neither a glee club nor a show choir, but we had a chorus? I guess that counts, sort of. But our drama club - of which I was an enthusiastic part, when not in sports season (what are stereotypes?) - was really low-key until they started doing musicals, when it blew up. The casts were bigger, the shows were more

Well, there's another Gay Guy, so maybe not. But seriously, he was WAY too into Marilyn Monroe, especially given that they'd previously established ON THE SHOW that straight men don't really care about her.

I really enjoyed the pilot, and I too am pretty thrilled about the industry-type premise. I love the behind-the-scenes-of-entertainment thing, as long as it's about people who are good at their jobs and not just for unnecessary drama. Katherine McPhee was incredibly charming, too. I'm looking forward to seeing where

It's truly embarrassing and baffling how hot I think he is.

Also, pretty soon all the actors are going to be a decade younger than their characters, and it's going to get increasingly ridiculous, especially with, like, Daisy.

Yeah, at the end of this season I was wondering how enthusiastic I'd be for the next. But the Christmas special was good enough that I'm now hopeful again!

Does Bon Iver cancel out Channing Tatum?

Ooh, is your area torn between New York and Boston too? Or does state loyalty win over?

Well, seeing as it was indeed at Brown, I think I developed a keen ability to tell when someone was being ironic, and as far as I could tell this dude was totally sincere. Or just so ironic it came back around to sincerity?

I'm pretty sure that once they realized they'd have Matt Bomer and Joe Manganiello on the same show, they decided they had to SOMEHOW get them into a strip club as a weird subtle nod to this movie:…  And then they had to figure out how to stage a strip club. And it came out ridiculous.

As do I, though the first time I learned of it was in 5th grade, when our class did a thing in the school talent show based on the 40s. I and a friend were Abbott and Costello - we didn't have to perform, but I was tall and skinny (at 10, I believe the correct term is "gangly") and she was short and round, so we fit

I once had a guy tip his hat to me on the street! It was weird, as it was a cowboy hat and we were college students in Rhode Island. I kept looking around, like, "Yes, those are brick buildings, yes, the trees are taller than my head, no, I don't think I suddenly wound up in historical Texas but maybe?"

On an episode-by-episode level, I adore it. The drama, the romance, the glamour, the eye candy, the AMAZING performances, all the accents, the time period: right up my alley. It's only when I pay attention to the seasons as a whole that I get really, really frustrated. The dialogue is good and the actors are great,

Question: when? While "sub-Ivy League" covers a hell of a lot of territory, these days you need an A-B+ average to get into many of them (like Williams, Boston College, Bowdoin).