Bridget Smith

That's the ONLY scene that stuck with me between seeing this movie as a little kid and seeing it again a few years ago. I think because of that, I always saw the movie as incredibly dark and terrifying, so every time I watch it now, I'm surprised at its positivity. What's remarkable is that even after giving up all

And led to half of Hamden, CT, being named "Whitney" in some manner. The "Eli's on Whitney" commercial jingle that still haunts my dreams will NEVER LET ME FORGET.

Ahaha, OOPS. Clearly I was watching too hard for Bane and not paying attention to anything else. Thanks!

Agreed. I actually had a harder time with the chanting inmates - were they saying, "This is Gotham Gotham"? Why?

I would love to do this, because I think I would perplex them, as I look neither like a geek nor like the hot girls who pretend to be geeks. I look like a normal person! What would they do with that?!

Also, for a movie that is so notably a woman-centric comedy that is not a rom-com, it sure ends with the idea that finding a man will solve all your problems. (I loved it anyway.)

You know, I sort of loved Hot Tub Time Machine, because it was so absurd and over-the-top that it seemed incredibly self-aware and almost like a parody of itself. I thought it was being ridiculous for ridiculousness's sake, and that was fun. I'm still not convinced it was as awful as everyone else who saw it says it

Oh shit, I'd forgotten that movie! That was what I did on my 18th birthday. Robbed a jewelry store.

Positive: it's not aggressively terrible (mostly - that teaser was…not good, though at least part of that blame goes to the voiceover guy), and the cast is rather charming. I marathoned like 6 seasons of it and then got bored. The characters are likable, the procedural bit is reassuring in that way that America loves

It's also so obviously filmed in the Pacific Northwest that emphasizing the Maine part is dumb. Too many giant "forest primeval" trees, not enough pines.

Couldn't they just use Prince Charming's sheep/dragon-herding skills to get one in the area? He wasn't in this episode anyway.

That's what I was thinking. It only appeared in the scene with the hearts, so I imagine it was a heavy-handed-yet-still-obscure reference to, well, hearts.

Yup, that was the one! Revealed in the last few seconds. Coolest part of the episode.

Well, I'm only a year and a half out myself. :D

Hahaha YES about the deer. I usually only notice bad CGI when it's on the level of the BBC's Merlin (which, holy shit, terrible CGI) or Doctor Who's person-in-costume monsters, but that was some BAD CGI.

There's no way his death is permanent, if only because the largest demographic group for this show is college-aged women, and you know what one of the biggest talking points for them is? Hot Irish Sheriff. Using that exact phrase. There's NO WAY he stays gone.

Previous reviews: Big Groaner Line.

Ugh, YES. I was just like, well, way to ruin a great sword, dude. Of course, maybe that was the intention? Like, yes, I will give you money to save your kingdom, but that will leave you so in thrall to me that you will never again be a credible threat?

You and I, we're the groundlings Shakespeare was writing for.

"Oh crap, it is now 1 AM and I have watched eight consecutive episodes of Friends."