Bridget Smith

Man, remember when Jason Mraz was clever and vaguely dorky and all about the wordplay? Even his straight-up love songs were intentionally ridiculous - check out the video for the very sweet "You and I Both", which features policemen in riot gear dancing in formation (and, holy shit, I just realized the girl is Lizzy

Exactly. In general, I think Zooey Deschanel is a much better singer than actress and I quite like She & Him, including the Christmas album. This is arguably the worst song on it. It's way too fast, and her voice and style are much better suited to vaguely melancholy and old-fashioned tunes, especially those in a

Yeah, makes sense. It stresses me out to watch TV with you people, because I'm constantly toning down my reactions so as not to drive you crazy, and that makes me enjoy it less. (My dad is one of you, too. First time I watched Doctor Who with him I was convinced he hated it, until we got to the end and he went, "That

Given how many of my college friends watched every episode of Mythbusters, I'm surprised it doesn't have a more equal viewership.

I'm pretty sure she's seen it all - this was just the first time we've watched together. I mean, I was racing home from a thing and walked in the door at like 8:32, and she already had it on.

Incidentally, my apartment (in RI, of all places) for one summer had this arrangement. It's FANTASTIC, you have no idea. So freaking convenient.

My favorite was his reaction to Leslie's gift.

He already tried, and it ended with Andy eating a pen. I'm not convinced it can be done. (But isn't that how we like them? "I can hear you breathing.")

This was the first episode of Parks I've watched with my roommate (also a fan), and it taught me something about myself. I was laughing like a crazy person for much of it. She made a few half-chuckles. For the first time, I understood the idea behind laugh tracks: it's for people like her, who aren't already vocal

Now we'll never know! One of the great unfinished stories of our time.

Italian and Spanish were by far the two most popular language options at my high school. (I took the other two: French and Latin.) Spanish was, obviously, for the practicality of it and the sense that it was easy, but everyone not from my area is shocked that we HAD Italian, let alone that it was that popular. But

Can we just have this conversation forever? I LOVE this stuff.

I think the difference is that, unlike the other movies you mentioned, we're not supposed to root for Charlize Theron's character. The trailers seem to make it pretty clear that she may be our main character, but she's not our hero.

15-year, maybe? Is that a thing that happens? (I just had my 5th, I am a child in the ways of grown-ups.)

As someone with the last name Smith, I find this amusing.

Whoo! I used to work at WBRU in Providence, so my former coworkers were SO excited when they got the first copies of The Onion for distribution. I'm sure some of them will be at the party - wish I could go too!

Ugh, that's the reason I quit Bones. I was beginning to be bored by it, but it was my favorite show for so long that I was planning on sticking it out (I mean, it's a huge part of the reason why I majored in anthropology! I couldn't give up on it!). But then THAT REVEAL. Ugh. Laziest plot twist ever. Could they

Oh, that was totally worth it for the scenes between Ann & Donna! I love when Parks puts random characters that have nothing in common together. I just think those scenes suffered in comparison to the rest of the episode.

Seeing as how I had to quit watching Leverage - a show which I quite enjoyed - because their ONLY narrative trick was pulling-out-the-rug retconning, you might expect me to agree with you. But somehow I don't.

Yeah, he takes children as payment and then gives them to other people who want them for things that he wants. This has now happened in like 3 episodes, so clearly it's a big part of what he does.