Bridget Smith

Ugh I know. I don't want it either, but I keep expecting it to happen.

Josh Dallas is really rather great in this role, something I didn't realize until tonight. His previous episodes have been a little too hammy in the flashbacks and too minor/Confused Face in the present day, so I was pleased to see how well he stepped into a more complex role this episode. He's excellently cast: quite

I didn't think this was really a twist at all. We already know that Rumpelstiltskin is running a child reassignment business: this episode just built up that little bit of the world, which I thought was one of the stronger elements tonight.

I'm really glad that they made Katherine a likable character in the real world: it makes for a much more compelling triangle. I sympathize more with Mary Margaret, because my feelings are easily manipulated by TV, but I think you're right in that Katherine is the true tragic figure. She isn't in the fairy tale world,

My interpretation really depends on the performance. If the woman just sings it straight, it sounds date-rapey to me. If she's really sexy about it, making it clear that she's seducing him just as much as he's seducing her, then I think it's fun.

But then there's also the march-like God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen, which is SUCH fun to sing. I also love the eerie minor-key ones - O Holy Night and We Three Kings are two of my favorites. That weird bit of mystery is a nice contrast to the cheer - the shadows you need to offset the brightness.

1) I was referring to the bit in the movie trailer where she (just barely) filmed herself talking to Ann, and 2) I accept that in this universe, people habitually give Shakespearean-style monologues.

…did you work for Dr. House?

Watch it again, watch it again! You can also watch it in conjunction with Road Trip for some added sentiment (like I tend to), as that was a seriously awesome night of television.

Well, since they stayed at Chris's apartment, that WAS the day they got back.

I found that particularly hilarious.

I wondered this too. And the episode is clearly set in December, or thereabouts, given the snow.

In keeping with the complaint last episode about how the current Parks department logo is the actual NBC logo for the show: did anyone else hate that Leslie somehow found the promo photos of herself and Ben? It always takes me out of the show's universe.

Oh, I'm not disagreeing that this episode was funny! I laughed a lot, but my affection for the show sometimes leaves me confused as to when I'm laughing out of honest amusement and when I'm laughing just because I'm happy.

It was not as funny as Parks can sometimes be.

He does have a weirdly versatile face (which I suppose is a great thing for an actor, but only once your name is known). He's looked different in everything I've seen him in.

I read an interview with Michael Fassbender about a possible X-Men sequel, and in it, he did something that solidified my eternal love and respect (you know, more than he had it already): he used "myself" correctly as a reflexive, despite this wasteland of improper usage that we currently live in.

@avclub-33235e3d066bad95b6eea457826f7507:disqus Nah, it also applies to finals period and apartment-moving. Basically, times when you WANT to be drunk but know it would result in disaster if you were.

I won't say you're wrong if you won't say I'm wrong for thinking the opposite. Hurray, reasonable disagreements!