Bridget Smith

Well, given that their new tablet is called the Fire, I'm pretty sure the book-burning analogies are firmly in place by now.

And I think we should all be grateful for that distinction. I've never seen a more blank face than Kyle XY.

The actress playing Jiminy's mother was doing her best damn Helena Bonham Carter impression, wasn't she?

It makes me sad that the anthropology classes I took in college make that quote seem like a normal thing to say.

Nope! Just lovers.

According to his twitter: nope.

John Porter? No clue; never met him. I assume he is because my area of Connecticut is pretty damn white. (Actually, pretty damn Italian, to be more specific, but I sort of doubt John Porter is Italian.)

Also, THE CAST OMG. I have very little interest in the subject and in fact a violent dislike of Freud, but these three actors are three of my favorites currently working. But man, do they all have a tendency to pick stressful movies.

That seems to be her favorite kind of movie to do.

My mom has a moving guy/fetching stuff guy named John Porter. For YEARS I thought she called him that in Old-Timey British fashion, you know, cause he moves stuff, but it turns out that's his actual name. I can't get over it. So the guy guy named Guy was perfect.

Gah, I did that too. I was so annoyed with myself!

As someone who's recently been to a bunch of concerts friendless after a number of years with a whole radio station full of coworkers/friends who would always go with me…yeah, even really good concerts are only half as much fun if you're alone.

I remember reading something about how they'd pull out wardrobe stuff for Leslie and if Amy went, "Hey, that's cute!" then they'd get rid of it.

I have now read this as "marinaras" THREE SEPARATE TIMES. What the hell, self. What the hell.

I'm still convinced that the only comedy any of the Emmy voters watched was Modern Family. Thus, when presented with a category that (o, the horror!) had not a single Modern Family actress in it, they gave it for the one thing they did see: Bridesmaids.

He also apparently likes Helvetica, though.

Oh, it absolutely was. But I only noticed that on rewatch, so…either it was subtly done or my affection for this show makes me a little slow on the uptake.

See, I thought that was a GOOD thing. So often when shows try to do this "all the characters point out another character's flaws" thing, they're random or made up. This time, it was something real that annoys all of us too. That's good character development, folks.

Totally saw it coming, but laughed all the same.

I keep almost turning off the TV after Parks, but then leaving it on because hey, maybe The Office will be good tonight! My optimism keeps punishing me.