Bridget Smith

I actually really enjoyed Gabe's weird little Lincoln thing and thought it made sense. A recurring theme for this character is that he keeps getting dismissed and disregarded; last few episodes aside, he's been generally just a sad character. It made total sense to me that given the opportunity to be watched and

Cate Blanchett is AMAZING, ok. I want to be her when I grow up.

It seems rather like it's going to be the other characters singing it in solidarity with Santana which…yeah, ham-fisted and offensive.

I never really liked dodgeball because nothing ever seemed to happen in it. I mean, I can't aim a ball that size, so maybe that was part of the problem, but whatever. Lots of running around and winging balls into the crowd and having them miss and people go off chasing them across the gym. It certainly wasn't the

For the first 10 seconds or so of this trailer, I was pretty convinced it was ACTUALLY a Bollywood movie.

At least that trailer HAD cool moments.

I SO wanted this to be the good one. I think I was wrong.

I found it hard to think that at the time because of how much INFINITELY better Kevin's answer was than Barney's to the question, "Why do you even like me?" In general, you ALWAYS choose the guy who says (poetically, to boot) that you're awesome over the guy who says you're not as bad as he is. So I get why Robin did

That's also evidence of how much Andy has influenced her. Her insistence on "The Moon or nothing!" early on is something she would always have done: it's a snarky way of getting out of something. But the fact that she would actually carry it out? That's Andy's influence, all the way, and I loved it.

I liked how he said, "I'd rather sand my toenails," as though it were an awful, horrible thing which would STILL be better than Model UN, but then it turned out to be an actual thing that he was choosing to do instead.

Oh man, I forgot she doesn't ACTUALLY know! Her line about "sadness baths" was just too clear. Obviously she's figured it out, right?

Chris-related plotlines and actual friendship stories with Leslie. I want to see those again: not just single lines, like we've had so far, but them actually doing things together.

Yeah, I don't know why that would seem out of character. Obnoxious, yes, but absolutely, perfectly Ben, and totally hilarious to boot.

I'm with you on that. This episode was freaking HILARIOUS, I think the funniest of the season so far. Two solid-but-not-earthshattering subplots don't really weigh down the limitless brilliance of the Model UN plotline. Especially as there are no two characters in the history of television more suited for Model UN

Definitely. Since at this point, the worst of Parks is better than the best of The Office, it's sort of a tragic let-down. On the other hand, it does mean I don't walk around afterwards expecting everything everyone says to be funny, so. I guess it works as a reacclimation tool?

They totally got Barney right, though: the OTHER thing everyone was doing (besides hooking up) was stocking up on booze. I heard of at least half a dozen hurricane drinking games.

It was fun to watch this episode in hindsight, because I was sitting there going, "NO! You live on the Upper West Side, as far from the evac zones as possible! Don't leave, crazy people! Literally every other part of New York state will be hit harder than the city!"

I was REALLY hoping this was going to be an Everyone Gets Drunk episode, as no one does that better than Parks. So I was a little disappointed. But I'm not sorry we got the episode we did.

My favorite awkward quote was when I saw the Providence Journal quoted on the cover of a book. You don't quote the ProJo unless there is literally no one else saying nice things.

I loved where Leslie's plotline went, but I didn't like how it got there. Amy Poehler can sometimes break my heart but good, and her confession to Ron and the final scene with Ben (and HIS face after that!) were perfect. It was the crazy stuff that bothered me.