Bridget Smith

Not my favorite of the series so far (the entire second half of last season is fighting pretty hard for that spot), but I still really liked it. The mellow-sad song at the end took it to a weird place for Parks, but it was a very good place.

The thing about emotions is that they're subjective. Punk does nothing for me, but this kind of sweeping "big music" gets me every time, on a very personal level. They might not be your emotions, but they're probably somebody's.

I still haven't seen the whole video. I can't get further than a minute in - it just freaks me out too much. And I LOVE her other videos. "Dramatic dancing in weird costumes" is absolutely my thing. But Dog Days Are Over TERRIFIES me.

Well, yes. But that is pretty much irrelevant to the point as the characters communicate through speech rather than writing.


The flashlight full of jelly beans is what did it for me. What? Why? Who does that? Clearly, Andy and April "Were you frying marbles?" Dwyer.

See, this is the thing I love about Halloween episodes. I love the crazy elaborate costumes, but I don't have the time or money or imagination to do them myself. So I love seeing these overboard costumes.

It might've been the pilot, but it's also been like half a dozen other episodes (including the recent Born & Raised, with "Nipple Hill"), so you don't really get points for noticing that throwback.

I LOVE that Ben yelled at him like you would a dog. "Orin, NO! STAY OUT!"

I'd switch The West Wing for Sports Night, though she wasn't Dan's wife there. Does "general love interest" count? (I'm not sure I'd count The West Wing, since it was like 5 seasons in at that point and past its prime anyway, plus she was on it for what, 2 full seasons?)

I'm pretty sure this is the third new show of the season with a character named Bridget. This is weird and mildly appalling to me. Why, I have no idea, because I spent much of my childhood mourning the Irish stereotypes that led to all Bridgets in fiction being stupid, ugly, or personality-less housemaids.

And I love how many times GQ has mentioned this.

Ironically, I'm pretty sure this is a promotional photo of Ben Wyatt.

Incidentally, how amazing is TF Green airport? You can get there half an hour before your flight leaves and still have enough time that you wait at the gate, I love it. (Maybe it's less exciting for layovers.)

Does anyone not from RI realize just how many references to Rhode Island/Providence they put in their music? It's A LOT. I kind of love it. And them, even apart from regional pride.

I'm going to mine soon! So: yes.

Huh, that's actually a step up. Many one-star reviews on Amazon are because the product took too long to arrive.

This is the thing I hate most about the split plans. I used to use Netflix as a To Watch list, saving movies I'd always meant to watch - or that someone recommended to me - and knowing that I'd have this list to keep track of them. Now, since I can only add things that are currently available on streaming, I don't

I was going to keep both because I couldn't figure out what to do until they announced that they were splitting the website. I ditched the DVDs because I usually wound up waiting a week or two to watch them anyway, and I really value the ability to marathon TV shows or come home drunk and watch something I want to

Nope, I was too. By the end I thought it was worth it for Leslie's plot - honestly, she's so closely tied with Pawnee that Ben actually used it as a metaphor for her, so it was great to see her initial panic and then understanding. But I was still kind of annoyed by the premise, especially as there are apparently