Bridget Smith

The first time I actually thought of her as being supportive of Leslie was her positive reaction to the news that Leslie & Ben were dating, and that was more because she was impressed with Ben. I don't think she's AWFUL, I just think she's too hard on Leslie in a futile attempt to make her more cutthroat.

I too liked Ann's storyline, but I admit to already having a pretty strong fondness for her. I just think she has the best talking heads. Also Drunk Ann is pretty great, and in a show that does Everyone Gets Drunk episodes this often, that's pretty important.

Rob Lowe is still hot. Still very, very hot. (And I'm 22, so this isn't even an "I feel old" thing.)

Well, considering this movie was actually based on the same short story as that episode was, and Richard Matheson got paid for it…yeah, probably not.

I think Nora's lovely, but she's too obviously a Robin knockoff for me to enjoy the character. She's pretty in a similar way, has that same good-humored frankness to her, and will even play laser tag, but she's not nearly as funny or interesting so she comes off really terribly in comparison to the original.

…I think this goes without saying.

Sometimes I'm pretty sure that they just go, "Ok, Nathan, here's what happens in this scene. GO!" and then just have him run around saying the things he would actually say. And I kind of love that.