Andrew Coleman

I met Bharat Nalluri the director of both of these episodes of this the other day. He came to do a guest lecture at our Uni.
Unfortunately I didn't think to ask him about it, such a shame it's not great, his work on Hustle, Spooks and Life on Mars is pretty excellent and I'm a big fan of his.
(Yes, I understand this

I met Bharat Nalluri the director of both of these episodes of this the other day. He came to do a guest lecture at our Uni.
Unfortunately I didn't think to ask him about it, such a shame it's not great, his work on Hustle, Spooks and Life on Mars is pretty excellent and I'm a big fan of his.
(Yes, I understand this

Yea that was my favourite episode of this batch. Which I seem to be alone in really enjoying. Still not as good as Moffat's first series which is my favourite run on the show since it came back in 2005.

Yea that was my favourite episode of this batch. Which I seem to be alone in really enjoying. Still not as good as Moffat's first series which is my favourite run on the show since it came back in 2005.

I had problems with it too, mainly that it felt FAR to short.
The fact that the last 10 minutes or so were tying up loose ends didn't
help the pacing of the bulk of the story any and they seemed to by
playing fast and loose with the rules of the angels.
Amy and Rory both looked way from the statue of liberty for several

I had problems with it too, mainly that it felt FAR to short.
The fact that the last 10 minutes or so were tying up loose ends didn't
help the pacing of the bulk of the story any and they seemed to by
playing fast and loose with the rules of the angels.
Amy and Rory both looked way from the statue of liberty for several

Much love for Peep Show.
That's another series I didn't get into until late in the game, I just assumed it wouldn't be my sort of thing and then when I started University last year, for the first week instead of going out and seeing people I stayed in my room and watched an entire season back-to-back each night (which

Much love for Peep Show.
That's another series I didn't get into until late in the game, I just assumed it wouldn't be my sort of thing and then when I started University last year, for the first week instead of going out and seeing people I stayed in my room and watched an entire season back-to-back each night (which

"horrible nerdery" I think you mean "epic nerdery"!
He's certainly not a "closet geek", he reminds me a lot of a younger me. Which is odd because he's older than me.

"horrible nerdery" I think you mean "epic nerdery"!
He's certainly not a "closet geek", he reminds me a lot of a younger me. Which is odd because he's older than me.

Yea me too. I think it taking place mainly in 21st century earth with an alien invasion that gets completely cleared up in the last few minutes contributed to that.
Strangely so did the use of real news casters and Alan Sugar, for me anyway.
Personally I was never a fan of RTD's run on the show, espeailly the constant

Yea me too. I think it taking place mainly in 21st century earth with an alien invasion that gets completely cleared up in the last few minutes contributed to that.
Strangely so did the use of real news casters and Alan Sugar, for me anyway.
Personally I was never a fan of RTD's run on the show, espeailly the constant

Just to way in on the CGI front, those cube count downs wouldn't have been that expensive to do (not in the grand scheme of things) just some composited text with a funky glowing texture.
And I'm pretty sure they used the same one establishing shot of the ship several times.

Just to way in on the CGI front, those cube count downs wouldn't have been that expensive to do (not in the grand scheme of things) just some composited text with a funky glowing texture.
And I'm pretty sure they used the same one establishing shot of the ship several times.

I'd have to disagree. Although I love this season this was by far the weakest one yet.
Sure there was a lot of things to like about it, sadly the story wasn't one of them.
It just seemed like an excuse to put the Doctor in Amy and Rory's world (which isn't a bad thing) and I really am not a fan of alien invasion episode

I'd have to disagree. Although I love this season this was by far the weakest one yet.
Sure there was a lot of things to like about it, sadly the story wasn't one of them.
It just seemed like an excuse to put the Doctor in Amy and Rory's world (which isn't a bad thing) and I really am not a fan of alien invasion episode

Am I the only one who really likes Phil? he's just constantly naive and amusing.
I just started watching this show with the first episode of this series, because I'd only heard good things (I had no idea it was still going on honestly) I'll have go back and catch the earlier season somewhere.
The idea of politicians

Am I the only one who really likes Phil? he's just constantly naive and amusing.
I just started watching this show with the first episode of this series, because I'd only heard good things (I had no idea it was still going on honestly) I'll have go back and catch the earlier season somewhere.
The idea of politicians

Yes we will, and my point all along was this news doesn't inspire me with confidence (although that tweet has tempered my reaction a bit). That's not to say I won't give the new series a try but I'm now going to assume everything's fine and dandy when the official promotional images are less than inspiring.
If they

Yes we will, and my point all along was this news doesn't inspire me with confidence (although that tweet has tempered my reaction a bit). That's not to say I won't give the new series a try but I'm now going to assume everything's fine and dandy when the official promotional images are less than inspiring.
If they