Andrew Coleman

You're right but all of those things had one thing in common; Dan Harmon.
I'm all for the show trying new things but the benefit of the doubt only applies (for me any way) when it's the same person calling in the shots.
The new head writers can't get by on someone else's track record and will have to prove themselves,

You're right but all of those things had one thing in common; Dan Harmon.
I'm all for the show trying new things but the benefit of the doubt only applies (for me any way) when it's the same person calling in the shots.
The new head writers can't get by on someone else's track record and will have to prove themselves,

(see my reply to @avclub-f423423863960a21f2bb75f5095dc6fb:disqus )
That's good to hear, although now that Harmon's so has any good will I had built up for the series. It's a defence mechanism really, in case it does suck I'm not too attached.

(see my reply to @avclub-f423423863960a21f2bb75f5095dc6fb:disqus )
That's good to hear, although now that Harmon's so has any good will I had built up for the series. It's a defence mechanism really, in case it does suck I'm not too attached.

That's good to hear.
I guess I'm just a little too nervous.
The first plot element I hear about the new
series is that they're parodying something
popular. Like I said, I love the
cast. And I've decided that, as I would watch anything with these actors
in, I should give the next season the same chance I'd give to an

That's good to hear.
I guess I'm just a little too nervous.
The first plot element I hear about the new
series is that they're parodying something
popular. Like I said, I love the
cast. And I've decided that, as I would watch anything with these actors
in, I should give the next season the same chance I'd give to an

Anyone else worried about the Community doing a direct "Hunger Games" spoof?…
The show regularly did short homages or sent up whole genres but never really stooped to just spoofing something popular. Who knows it could still be goodbut it doesn't strike me as the sort of thing Dan Harmon

Anyone else worried about the Community doing a direct "Hunger Games" spoof?…
The show regularly did short homages or sent up whole genres but never really stooped to just spoofing something popular. Who knows it could still be goodbut it doesn't strike me as the sort of thing Dan Harmon

John Oliver (Ducan) used to be a semi-regular guest on British panel show Mock the Week. How did I now know this?…

John Oliver (Ducan) used to be a semi-regular guest on British panel show Mock the Week. How did I now know this?…

Yea Doctor Who has also struggled at doing an arc, mainly due to the fact that we don't writers rooms on UK TV shows (it's near impossible with union rules) all the episodes are written completely independent of one another then show runner makes minor tweaks.
RTD just didn't really bothered with an 'arc' and instead

Yea Doctor Who has also struggled at doing an arc, mainly due to the fact that we don't writers rooms on UK TV shows (it's near impossible with union rules) all the episodes are written completely independent of one another then show runner makes minor tweaks.
RTD just didn't really bothered with an 'arc' and instead

Why is this making me so depressed?… (not sure if amazing or just really tried)
And why doesn't it have way more views?
Also why am I still on my computer watching videos on youtube when I've got to get up in 7 hours and I've still got loads of work to get done?
I would also ask why I'm here

Why is this making me so depressed?… (not sure if amazing or just really tried)
And why doesn't it have way more views?
Also why am I still on my computer watching videos on youtube when I've got to get up in 7 hours and I've still got loads of work to get done?
I would also ask why I'm here

I think that it taking place in an alternative universe would lessen the impact of the group being shitheads (as you so adequately put it) the point is these character's we've been following for the last three years, who are entertaining to watch, aren't actually nice people. It wouldn't really work as well if it was

I think that it taking place in an alternative universe would lessen the impact of the group being shitheads (as you so adequately put it) the point is these character's we've been following for the last three years, who are entertaining to watch, aren't actually nice people. It wouldn't really work as well if it was

Did you know (I assume one of you must have) that the first time Peirce mentions having sex with Eartha Kitt is Competitive Ecology the episode BEFORE Remedial Chaos Theory.
Also Shirley refers to Britta's "Marijuana lighter".
Is it just me or did they change the order round? It seems odd this way.
On a semi-related

Did you know (I assume one of you must have) that the first time Peirce mentions having sex with Eartha Kitt is Competitive Ecology the episode BEFORE Remedial Chaos Theory.
Also Shirley refers to Britta's "Marijuana lighter".
Is it just me or did they change the order round? It seems odd this way.
On a semi-related

I know, I think I'm awful at commenting actually. I just have too much to say, as soon as I type something I instantly think of a side note I need to add (which is why I use brackets all the fucking time).
All my comments just end up being a long, rambling stream of consciousness. I think it stems from

I know, I think I'm awful at commenting actually. I just have too much to say, as soon as I type something I instantly think of a side note I need to add (which is why I use brackets all the fucking time).
All my comments just end up being a long, rambling stream of consciousness. I think it stems from