Andrew Coleman

Community Olympics sound fun. Strangely I'm more upset about missing them than I am about not having seen a single 'real' Olympic event this year. Except women's gymnastics (don't judge me, there's context) and Danny Boyle's opening ceremony.
Anyway here's your .gif (it's me* trying out some

Community Olympics sound fun. Strangely I'm more upset about missing them than I am about not having seen a single 'real' Olympic event this year. Except women's gymnastics (don't judge me, there's context) and Danny Boyle's opening ceremony.
Anyway here's your .gif (it's me* trying out some

Just when I was starting to accept the reality of Harmon-less Community possibly being good they have to go and cast someone from Little Britain, words cannot express how much I hated that show (for some reason it was all the rage over here) it might still be good but I keep looking for signs of hope and can't see

Just when I was starting to accept the reality of Harmon-less Community possibly being good they have to go and cast someone from Little Britain, words cannot express how much I hated that show (for some reason it was all the rage over here) it might still be good but I keep looking for signs of hope and can't see

Thank Christ, I thought I was losing my mind or time was broken or something.

Thank Christ, I thought I was losing my mind or time was broken or something.

3 months? WHAT! It's not been that long has it?

3 months? WHAT! It's not been that long has it?

I think it also comes down to WHAT you're studying, I never did any work in GCSEs at school and got almost entirely B's. Then when I started sixth form the work suddenly seemed to get really hard and I failed all but one of my classes.
So I dropped out and did a BTEC in Media Production at college instead and got the

I think it also comes down to WHAT you're studying, I never did any work in GCSEs at school and got almost entirely B's. Then when I started sixth form the work suddenly seemed to get really hard and I failed all but one of my classes.
So I dropped out and did a BTEC in Media Production at college instead and got the

Brian K. Vaughan's Saga is soooooooo good. I can't stress this enough, it's the best thing I'm reading in single issues at the moment (although Angel and Faith is damn good too).
If you read comics and like sci-fi / fantasy you have no excuse not to check this out. Even if you've never read a comic in your life I'd

Brian K. Vaughan's Saga is soooooooo good. I can't stress this enough, it's the best thing I'm reading in single issues at the moment (although Angel and Faith is damn good too).
If you read comics and like sci-fi / fantasy you have no excuse not to check this out. Even if you've never read a comic in your life I'd

Same here. My parents always thought I was hiding something when I told them everything was "fine", when most of the time I was telling the truth, my life really wasn't that interesting.
I thought I'd stop getting asked when I left home but no, it happens all the time!
Especially in clubs. I'll admit I hate clubbing

Same here. My parents always thought I was hiding something when I told them everything was "fine", when most of the time I was telling the truth, my life really wasn't that interesting.
I thought I'd stop getting asked when I left home but no, it happens all the time!
Especially in clubs. I'll admit I hate clubbing

@SpongyandBruised:disqus It's not THAT much of a problem. I'm almost 20 and am away at Uni for most of the year, so I can buy any DVDs I please. My father and I reached an understanding that I could have them in the house over the summer as long as they stay in my storage boxes and out of the family collection.I don't

@SpongyandBruised:disqus It's not THAT much of a problem. I'm almost 20 and am away at Uni for most of the year, so I can buy any DVDs I please. My father and I reached an understanding that I could have them in the house over the summer as long as they stay in my storage boxes and out of the family collection.I don't

I totally agree with all your points. Which is why I personally dislike the series, I may even go so far so to say I hate it. What I don't get is why so many people ferociously attack it online (and usually not because of the sexual politics) I don't see what gets them so riled up, because something they don't like is

I totally agree with all your points. Which is why I personally dislike the series, I may even go so far so to say I hate it. What I don't get is why so many people ferociously attack it online (and usually not because of the sexual politics) I don't see what gets them so riled up, because something they don't like is