Andrew Coleman

I'll admit I don't get all the venomous hate towards the Twilight franchise either.
I think the films are awful but there's lots of awful films out there that don't receive this level of hate. I've not read the books but my only major gripe with the story is the sexual politics, the portrayal of women and a 'healthy

I'll admit I don't get all the venomous hate towards the Twilight franchise either.
I think the films are awful but there's lots of awful films out there that don't receive this level of hate. I've not read the books but my only major gripe with the story is the sexual politics, the portrayal of women and a 'healthy

My brother is a massive hater (apparently she only has one facial expression) but he thinks Taylor Lautner is good and Adventureland is a boring film and he wants to go into acting.
I was just reading Kristen Stewart's IMDb I have a lot of respect for her, you know she agreed to drastically cut her fee for Welcome

My brother is a massive hater (apparently she only has one facial expression) but he thinks Taylor Lautner is good and Adventureland is a boring film and he wants to go into acting.
I was just reading Kristen Stewart's IMDb I have a lot of respect for her, you know she agreed to drastically cut her fee for Welcome

It's my birthday very soon, and my family are already asking for me to update my Amazon wish list. Unfortunately I have to keep it relativity family friendly (Christian family with a no '18' rated DVDs rule) so can't have stuff like Breaking Bad on there but thanks for the other suggestions.

It's my birthday very soon, and my family are already asking for me to update my Amazon wish list. Unfortunately I have to keep it relativity family friendly (Christian family with a no '18' rated DVDs rule) so can't have stuff like Breaking Bad on there but thanks for the other suggestions.

I was in the library the other day returning some books for my family and heard an elderly, very middle class woman talking about 50 Shades of Grey, apparently she only just started it but said it was already "very steamy" (a phrase she used a lot) and wondered if it would get much more risqué. I had to try very hard

I was in the library the other day returning some books for my family and heard an elderly, very middle class woman talking about 50 Shades of Grey, apparently she only just started it but said it was already "very steamy" (a phrase she used a lot) and wondered if it would get much more risqué. I had to try very hard

Buffy never gives Anya the chance to atone, she hears what she's done and picks up an ax. I dislike the way she declares herself, judge, jury and executioner in these cases, the only reason Anya gets the chance to make it right is Willow gives it her and Xander stops Buffy killing Tara at the last minute.
I don't think

Buffy never gives Anya the chance to atone, she hears what she's done and picks up an ax. I dislike the way she declares herself, judge, jury and executioner in these cases, the only reason Anya gets the chance to make it right is Willow gives it her and Xander stops Buffy killing Tara at the last minute.
I don't think

Remember many (posibly all) child soldiers in third world countries were dragged into this conflict by forces out of their control, you can't just say "that sucks but now they're involved they have to fight even if they don't want to" sorry but to me, any way you slice it it's morally wrong, but then I'm ageist the

Remember many (posibly all) child soldiers in third world countries were dragged into this conflict by forces out of their control, you can't just say "that sucks but now they're involved they have to fight even if they don't want to" sorry but to me, any way you slice it it's morally wrong, but then I'm ageist the

Also I'm curious what you guys consider a marathon (in terms of TV watching)?
As a family we don't have a TV license (something you need to watch TV live in the UK) so we watch everything on DVD or onDemand at the moment we're watching 1-2 episode of Buffy a night, an episode of Castle/Greys Anatomy and an episode of

Also I'm curious what you guys consider a marathon (in terms of TV watching)?
As a family we don't have a TV license (something you need to watch TV live in the UK) so we watch everything on DVD or onDemand at the moment we're watching 1-2 episode of Buffy a night, an episode of Castle/Greys Anatomy and an episode of

I stopped watching after the third episode because I heard the resolution at the end wasn't worth it. Was I wrong?
I really was only watching for answers to the initial mystery, the episodes to episode stuff was a bit 'bluh' for me (24 without the tension of the earlier seasons or the explosions of the later ones)

I stopped watching after the third episode because I heard the resolution at the end wasn't worth it. Was I wrong?
I really was only watching for answers to the initial mystery, the episodes to episode stuff was a bit 'bluh' for me (24 without the tension of the earlier seasons or the explosions of the later ones)