Andrew Coleman

I'd argue morally Buffy should still protect the potentials (because she's the only one that can) without forcing them to fight if they don't want to. She locks four of them in a crypt with a vampire for Christ sake (if the Watchers did it I'm sure she'd find it unacceptable) the only reason they all didn't die from

I'd argue morally Buffy should still protect the potentials (because she's the only one that can) without forcing them to fight if they don't want to. She locks four of them in a crypt with a vampire for Christ sake (if the Watchers did it I'm sure she'd find it unacceptable) the only reason they all didn't die from

I never realized Blue Jam and the TV series Jam was this big outside the UK. I thought it was just me and my friends and our tutor at college (he was awesome and let us watch Jam in lessons) who had heard of it. It's incredibly cult but great twisted stuff, I'll forever love the 'Thick People' sketch which always

I never realized Blue Jam and the TV series Jam was this big outside the UK. I thought it was just me and my friends and our tutor at college (he was awesome and let us watch Jam in lessons) who had heard of it. It's incredibly cult but great twisted stuff, I'll forever love the 'Thick People' sketch which always

Why wasn't Dan Harmon up on stage or did I just miss him? I hope it has nothing to do with the behind the scenes stuff of him leaving, he was still in charge of the season that won the award.

Why wasn't Dan Harmon up on stage or did I just miss him? I hope it has nothing to do with the behind the scenes stuff of him leaving, he was still in charge of the season that won the award.

On the bright side. I just got a new lens for my 550D (It's called something else in the US the Kiss or Rebel T2i or something equally ridicules) it's just the cheap 50mm F1.8 but I'm a poor student and it makes me very happy. I'm probably shooting a music video for my brother's band next week and I'm back at work

On the bright side. I just got a new lens for my 550D (It's called something else in the US the Kiss or Rebel T2i or something equally ridicules) it's just the cheap 50mm F1.8 but I'm a poor student and it makes me very happy. I'm probably shooting a music video for my brother's band next week and I'm back at work

I've just been rewatching Buffy season 7 with my family (it's their first watch through) and I must say I'm enjoying it a lot less this time round. I remember my original viewing I had no problems with season 7 and never understood any of the hate leveled ageist it.
Now, while I still think the overall plot and writing

I've just been rewatching Buffy season 7 with my family (it's their first watch through) and I must say I'm enjoying it a lot less this time round. I remember my original viewing I had no problems with season 7 and never understood any of the hate leveled ageist it.
Now, while I still think the overall plot and writing

Was Meredith a human though?
She looked an awful lot like David (the actress said she even adopted some of his mannerisms), she refers to Weyland as her father although he looks too old to be her biological dad (David also calls him father) and she dies in such a way we don't see any blood (not in the UK release

Was Meredith a human though?
She looked an awful lot like David (the actress said she even adopted some of his mannerisms), she refers to Weyland as her father although he looks too old to be her biological dad (David also calls him father) and she dies in such a way we don't see any blood (not in the UK release

I'm the independent witness who will hold you to that.

I'm the independent witness who will hold you to that.

I never went to my prom (or any school events). I was tempted to go just to be a "cynical, jaded ass" but I damn well wasn't going to pay them for the privilege. Plus everyone everyone either bullied or pitied me (trust me the latter is worse) so I doubt it would have had the desired effect. Sarcastic pricks had a

I never went to my prom (or any school events). I was tempted to go just to be a "cynical, jaded ass" but I damn well wasn't going to pay them for the privilege. Plus everyone everyone either bullied or pitied me (trust me the latter is worse) so I doubt it would have had the desired effect. Sarcastic pricks had a

I've only seen the Final Cut myself, it's going to be interesting to see which cut the film is a sequel too, I don't think there's ever been a situation quite like this before.
Of course just by existing the Blade Runner sequel messes up Blade Runner.
One of the central questions left open by the film is whether Deckard

I've only seen the Final Cut myself, it's going to be interesting to see which cut the film is a sequel too, I don't think there's ever been a situation quite like this before.
Of course just by existing the Blade Runner sequel messes up Blade Runner.
One of the central questions left open by the film is whether Deckard

I mostly agree, although I don't hate Aliens, I do prefer Prometheus.
I think Aliens may be technically better from a storytelling point of view, it's certainly simpler with a more obvious set-up and pay off. My problem with Aliens is it's intentions. It's clear from the title it's just trying to do the same thing but

I mostly agree, although I don't hate Aliens, I do prefer Prometheus.
I think Aliens may be technically better from a storytelling point of view, it's certainly simpler with a more obvious set-up and pay off. My problem with Aliens is it's intentions. It's clear from the title it's just trying to do the same thing but