Andrew Coleman

I think that's the joke whole joke in Episodes. Sean is demonstrating the cliche trope and both Matt and Beverly are pointing it out saying "why the hell wouldn't you take a FREE car" and of course he cracks in the end and reality sinks in.
Also keep in mind the character knows he's only in the US for a limited time

I think that's the joke whole joke in Episodes. Sean is demonstrating the cliche trope and both Matt and Beverly are pointing it out saying "why the hell wouldn't you take a FREE car" and of course he cracks in the end and reality sinks in.
Also keep in mind the character knows he's only in the US for a limited time

I recently realized season 2 of Episodes was on Iplayer and now I'm all caught up. Been reading a lot of hate about it online but it just works for me, the cynical look at the industry, the strange immoral character, the world that appears bright and happy on the surface but is anything but, also it helps that it's

I recently realized season 2 of Episodes was on Iplayer and now I'm all caught up. Been reading a lot of hate about it online but it just works for me, the cynical look at the industry, the strange immoral character, the world that appears bright and happy on the surface but is anything but, also it helps that it's

I always enjoy Abed's face in everything, all the time.

I always enjoy Abed's face in everything, all the time.

Hey I've just been re-watching the valentines episode of Community
seasons 2 and I noticed TWO awesome things I hadn't spotted before.

Hey I've just been re-watching the valentines episode of Community
seasons 2 and I noticed TWO awesome things I hadn't spotted before.

In bed last night, just as I was about to get to sleep, I had the most horrible thought:
What about Starburn's poor kid?!‽
Does he still think his father is dead? Did he know his father was a drug dealer? Judging by the way he talked about Annie in 'Romantic Expressionism' I take it Alex and

In bed last night, just as I was about to get to sleep, I had the most horrible thought:
What about Starburn's poor kid?!‽
Does he still think his father is dead? Did he know his father was a drug dealer? Judging by the way he talked about Annie in 'Romantic Expressionism' I take it Alex and

Seriously dude, not cool.
There's a special level in hell reserved for those on their phones in a theater.

Seriously dude, not cool.
There's a special level in hell reserved for those on their phones in a theater.

I don't mind it when it's used well, using complimenting colors can create some really beautiful compositions and it makes sense for one of those colors to be close to skin tone.
But I hate it when it's over used or used inappropriately and BOY does Micheal Boy over use it.
I also don't think it's fair when people use

I don't mind it when it's used well, using complimenting colors can create some really beautiful compositions and it makes sense for one of those colors to be close to skin tone.
But I hate it when it's over used or used inappropriately and BOY does Micheal Boy over use it.
I also don't think it's fair when people use

They did, although none of them got the quote, it was obvious I was joking. I felt a little guilty as it made me look much more quick-witted than I actually am.
What's odd is I wasn't in trouble for threatening a teacher but swearing in class, I was going to point out that I said "ruttin' command" which isn't a swear

They did, although none of them got the quote, it was obvious I was joking. I felt a little guilty as it made me look much more quick-witted than I actually am.
What's odd is I wasn't in trouble for threatening a teacher but swearing in class, I was going to point out that I said "ruttin' command" which isn't a swear

You make a good point.
That's why I'm happy Terriers ended where it did, now I just wish they
would release a bloody DVD so I can actually pay to watch it.
I wish US shows would follow more of the UK way of doing things (Like Cougarton Abbey only going six episodes) of course I wish UK shows would take a page out of the

You make a good point.
That's why I'm happy Terriers ended where it did, now I just wish they
would release a bloody DVD so I can actually pay to watch it.
I wish US shows would follow more of the UK way of doing things (Like Cougarton Abbey only going six episodes) of course I wish UK shows would take a page out of the