Andrew Coleman

^ This ^
Your last points are pretty much the reason my parents got rid of our TV license when we were young (and I've never wanted to get one for myself) we now only watch what we want to watch ondemand and on DVD with no adverts.
It's odd because I'm going to go and work in the TV industry but it's the easiest way to

^ This ^
Your last points are pretty much the reason my parents got rid of our TV license when we were young (and I've never wanted to get one for myself) we now only watch what we want to watch ondemand and on DVD with no adverts.
It's odd because I'm going to go and work in the TV industry but it's the easiest way to

Pretty much my thoughts at the moment. I'd watch any show with these guys in, so the fact we have a show with all of them in is great. Of course I'm not going to force myself to watch if I don't enjoy it but the sames goes if Harmon was still in charge (as unlikely as that would be).
I think it takes the pressure off a

Pretty much my thoughts at the moment. I'd watch any show with these guys in, so the fact we have a show with all of them in is great. Of course I'm not going to force myself to watch if I don't enjoy it but the sames goes if Harmon was still in charge (as unlikely as that would be).
I think it takes the pressure off a

@avclub-eede55069a8d3430b54730901f49c230:disqus You're right but plenty of good things have come from franchises: J.J. Abrams Star Trek, Nolan's Batman, Casino Royale.
Of course plenty of sucky things have come too but that's the great thing about franchises you can take what you like and leave what you don't.

@avclub-eede55069a8d3430b54730901f49c230:disqus You're right but plenty of good things have come from franchises: J.J. Abrams Star Trek, Nolan's Batman, Casino Royale.
Of course plenty of sucky things have come too but that's the great thing about franchises you can take what you like and leave what you don't.

I actually agree with you there. Since the start I've wanted the show to go exactly four seasons and end with all the characters graduating.
That way it doesn't outstay it's welcome (all shows get worse eventually) and it can wrap up it's story perfectly.
But I feel it's pointless to bring in new show runners just for

I actually agree with you there. Since the start I've wanted the show to go exactly four seasons and end with all the characters graduating.
That way it doesn't outstay it's welcome (all shows get worse eventually) and it can wrap up it's story perfectly.
But I feel it's pointless to bring in new show runners just for

I quite liked episodes honestly. I though it was a frank look at the behind the scenes of TV and how an awful show can get made.
I loved the obvious little moments of truth in it, but I didn't find it all that funny and probably wouldn't ever re-watch it. I think Matt LeBlanc did an awful job playing himself though,

I quite liked episodes honestly. I though it was a frank look at the behind the scenes of TV and how an awful show can get made.
I loved the obvious little moments of truth in it, but I didn't find it all that funny and probably wouldn't ever re-watch it. I think Matt LeBlanc did an awful job playing himself though,

Yea I found it really sweet. He reminds me more and more of Joss Whedon everyday (is that blasphemy?) I can't imagine anything worse than ending up hating a film you wrote or having your own show taken away from you.
Hopefully this experience will all make him MORE AWESOME and is the universe's way of molding him (and

Yea I found it really sweet. He reminds me more and more of Joss Whedon everyday (is that blasphemy?) I can't imagine anything worse than ending up hating a film you wrote or having your own show taken away from you.
Hopefully this experience will all make him MORE AWESOME and is the universe's way of molding him (and

No it's certainty not a mistake. I've seen it twice (both times in 2D) if you like Whedon you'll like it, simple as that in my mind. I wasn't a fan of any of the Marvel films leading up to it (I though Iron Man was good not great).
The one thing I was worried about going in was the action, previous Marvel films haven't

No it's certainty not a mistake. I've seen it twice (both times in 2D) if you like Whedon you'll like it, simple as that in my mind. I wasn't a fan of any of the Marvel films leading up to it (I though Iron Man was good not great).
The one thing I was worried about going in was the action, previous Marvel films haven't

@avclub-4d0669d1c79eb21e516dbf8b5d5f03ad:disqus :( Don't you bad mouth Dan Harmon you'll enrage the Internet. Also I heard rumors about Dan's drinking but not Dino.
But in a way you're right (a very small tangential way) if it did turn out to be Dan, a lot of people may take it more spitefully (God I hope that's a

@avclub-4d0669d1c79eb21e516dbf8b5d5f03ad:disqus :( Don't you bad mouth Dan Harmon you'll enrage the Internet. Also I heard rumors about Dan's drinking but not Dino.
But in a way you're right (a very small tangential way) if it did turn out to be Dan, a lot of people may take it more spitefully (God I hope that's a

I hope so too but I suspect it's just some random fan.
Or rather some AWESOME fan.

I hope so too but I suspect it's just some random fan.
Or rather some AWESOME fan.