Andrew Coleman

God I'm almost 20, Why the hell is everyone here so damn young?
I remember when I used to talk about films and TV online, I'd feel like the odd one out as everyone else seemed to be way older than me, now I just feel creepy. I'm guessing most people here are grown ups, right? Someone's got to be supervising us.

God I'm almost 20, Why the hell is everyone here so damn young?
I remember when I used to talk about films and TV online, I'd feel like the odd one out as everyone else seemed to be way older than me, now I just feel creepy. I'm guessing most people here are grown ups, right? Someone's got to be supervising us.

Pretty sure we watched The Matrix in most of our regular Philosophy classes. I remember one year we had music class on our last day and we just sat and watched Friends for some reason.
My ultimate blow off class had to be in college though, when I was studying Media Production, one of the tutors would just show us

Pretty sure we watched The Matrix in most of our regular Philosophy classes. I remember one year we had music class on our last day and we just sat and watched Friends for some reason.
My ultimate blow off class had to be in college though, when I was studying Media Production, one of the tutors would just show us

@avclub-c2ef3728d9ce090652f36c2e3d4783d0:disqus Sounds exactly like my school. God I hated that place, I can't see how anyone would ever be nostalgic about it, maybe it's different in the US.
Trust me University is better, although not as much as I hoped. Turns out the type of people you hated at school are the type of

@avclub-c2ef3728d9ce090652f36c2e3d4783d0:disqus Sounds exactly like my school. God I hated that place, I can't see how anyone would ever be nostalgic about it, maybe it's different in the US.
Trust me University is better, although not as much as I hoped. Turns out the type of people you hated at school are the type of

No you won't.
Well I didn't, but then I never had a last day of school. I skipped the last day of year eleven (the last compulsory year) because I could never put up with that crap, and dropped out after one year of sixth form to go to college but never went to the last day of that either. And I never went to prom.

No you won't.
Well I didn't, but then I never had a last day of school. I skipped the last day of year eleven (the last compulsory year) because I could never put up with that crap, and dropped out after one year of sixth form to go to college but never went to the last day of that either. And I never went to prom.

# abowelmovement

# abowelmovement

Yea I just wish there was a way to see all the unread comments since your last logon in some kind of list.
If I go on Slashfilm and log into disqus in the comments section there I read all the replies to my comments but that's isn't that helpful.
But I've just accepted I won't be able to keep up and skip to the page I

Yea I just wish there was a way to see all the unread comments since your last logon in some kind of list.
If I go on Slashfilm and log into disqus in the comments section there I read all the replies to my comments but that's isn't that helpful.
But I've just accepted I won't be able to keep up and skip to the page I

I am too to be honest but what the hell it's just a DVD cover. I don't worry about that sort of thing, I brought Fight Club on DVD second hand and don't have have the outer slip case.
Personally I liked the style of the season 1 cover best and would be happy if they just continued that design every season, just

I am too to be honest but what the hell it's just a DVD cover. I don't worry about that sort of thing, I brought Fight Club on DVD second hand and don't have have the outer slip case.
Personally I liked the style of the season 1 cover best and would be happy if they just continued that design every season, just

This makes happy and gives me hope :)

This makes happy and gives me hope :)

I've been reading through peoples thoughts, expectations, hopes and fears for next season and have come to the conclusion no matter what Gort and Puarascio (am I doing it right?) do or how well they do it they're not going to be able to please everyone, not because of high standards (although that's a part of it) but

I've been reading through peoples thoughts, expectations, hopes and fears for next season and have come to the conclusion no matter what Gort and Puarascio (am I doing it right?) do or how well they do it they're not going to be able to please everyone, not because of high standards (although that's a part of it) but

It will, you can drink! Wait not if you're in the US (for some reason it's 21 over there) hahahahahaha!
Seriously though have a great birthday. I realized from an early age each year is exactly the same as the last, unless you make something of it.
There's no point waiting to get older through life. I'm 20 this year and

It will, you can drink! Wait not if you're in the US (for some reason it's 21 over there) hahahahahaha!
Seriously though have a great birthday. I realized from an early age each year is exactly the same as the last, unless you make something of it.
There's no point waiting to get older through life. I'm 20 this year and