Anthony O'Brien

Heh. Reminds me of Jacob on Lost, which was basically that.

They are DRM-free, but they're M4As, not MP3s. He's talking about the pain of making them work elsewhere sometimes.

They're banned by the "Monroe Government".

They're banned by the "Monroe Government".

Mostly they can't, foreign networks have refused to buy things before that were "officially" available to view online in their country. Which is kind of ridiculous because I doubt that many viewers would be gained, but it is the case, unfortunately.

For now. This suggests they won't sometime, like Fox's site.

A gripping suspense could have been really out of place. I'm reminded of Sunshine. I'm glad they didn't.

It does, but not as much as it should. Advertisers still refuse to cough up for online advertising, it's still JUST TOO NEW.

I don't see how Aliens can really be called Teenagers or Ninjas either. So it's really just Talking Alien Turtles.

@avclub-246e4d37c3adb08bc86a64abfe71cea8:disqus But TV3 is shite

MITM has music licensing problems with DVDs.

@avclub-22744840b1991f02b82647f61830a985:disqus I have Atlantic and pirate some of the stuff because 1. Sky Player has shitty video quality. It's all washed out. and 2. I don't watch it in time and the DRM expires. It happens stupidly quickly, I'm not going to buy a DVD just because I didn't watch it in a 30 day

Actually, IASIP will probably be on Netflix Italy if they launch there. All 7 seasons are on the Irish/UK/ one because nobody airs it here. It's pretty much the centerpiece….

Ireland. He's Irish. Not English, Irish. Not Northern Irish, in which case he would be British but still not English, but Republic of…..Republican of…..Republican Irish…Southern Irish.

I like that they bothered to look up two-decade old character designs.

Did you just make that up? Google found nothing.