Alexander Peterhans

You know, you could sort of engineer that yourself.. record the show, watch the movies and then watch the show..?

It's also Bertie singing on the refrain of the re-recorded "A Deeper Understanding" from "Director's Cut". Bush mentioned in an interview surrounding that album's release that she was sorry they had to process his part, because she thought he had such a lovely singing voice.

It's not just a design competition - you have to be able to actually construct a garment. It's just as important part of the show as designing the stuff.

I really believe you are right. And it's annoying, even when you accept that some producer manipulation is to be expected.

Myeah, I would say Anya's "magic" is mostly provided by what I believe is called "producer interference".

"Another Project Runway First!!"

In Anya's case, that's not really true, though. A couple of challenges ago Anya produced a pair of pants that actually split on the runway - this would normally get anyone auf'd, but not her.

Steph could refer to Stephen. Whoever that would turn out to be.

Yeah, no prizes for subtlety, there.

This is one of the most annoying things about contemporary American sitcoms - black people only exist in the background, as extras. There is almost no chance that one of the main characters will have some kind of relationship with a non-white man or woman (unless that character's race is part of the storyline) - as if