
I'm actually surprised at how many sports references they DO manage, considering the show isn't filmed in Indiana, wasn't originally planned to be in Indiana, and isn't really about sports at all. Still, Ron as Bobby Knight, Ben realizing you can't cancel basketball in Indiana, Tilda Bird, Larry Bird at Donna's last

The problem isn't that they're not revealing the mother, it's that they've given all of the cast long-term arcs, but half the cast hasn't moved forward in two or three seasons. And even Marshall and Lilly's pregnancy isn't particularly interesting.

now defend a man who has continued those policies and is even more of a bloodthirsty middle-eastern killing machine?"

I think the fact that she (or her handlers? Whatever…) refused a photo op with Palin is actually pretty telling.

My read of things- as a Yank- is that she wasn't quite so unpopular at the time, but since she left, her legacy hasn't exactly been buffed and polished in Great Britain.

the guy also directed Alien 3, which, I guess we're just supposed to forget about because he fought with the studio over it? And then Benjamin Button, which was about the averagest, schmaltziest film of the decade."

"You don't retool a popular show twice and bring in a regular from another show"

BTW, you missed the OP's point. It's not that "Nemesis ignored DS9, so it's bad"- it's that Nemesis was in part sold as the work of an avowed ST fan…but that work ignored a big chunk of ST cannon. It's really not much different than the people who were annoyed that Generations fucked up Picard's family, or that First

If you lose market share to other products it's usually because your product isn't very good."

Although, in my opinion, the TOS movies are a LOT more like the TNG series than the TOS series. The emphasis on intergalactic politics, the lack of aliens-that-are-just-humans-from-the-past, and the near lack of god-like beings helps.

Old salt, I guess. He doesn't have the time or inclination to learn the damn names.

I mean, obviously: "The one where he gets turned into a robot." (my dad refers to everyone as a "he" or a "she".)

I disagree- at least depending on how we define "right wing art". For example, I can name a great many things that I think are pretty great, and are definitely espousing conservative sentiments. Brazil in satirizing an oppressively inefficient government bureaucracy. Firefly, in its "I just want to be left alone"

Mumbo? Perhaps. Jumbo? Perhaps NOT!

"The issue is whether you must keep buying your life, dime by dime, from any beggar who might choose to approach you."

"The idea behind it is that everyone is entitled to their own life, and that government's job is to protect that life."

Right, or, if everyone was capable of being John Galt (which, I think necessarily implies seeing through all the socialist warping), then everyone would already be Going Galt or whatever, and there'd be no need for the book.

Well, I mean, it depends on what specifically we're talking about- in the "$20 on drugs or $20 on stocks" investment above,  I think a "fool and his money" POV is fine. But again, I think it's perfectly okay to put stricter scrutiny on a bank than on a gay couple, in that one has a much greater ability to harm others

1) Again, that's some nice words for the individual, but in terms of action, it's basically just "leave him alone to fix his own life". Which is a nice first step, but there's more to respect than that. And I really disagree that Objectivism respects individuals so much when the signature works of the "founder" of the

2) Also, too- if it's the premises and underpinnings, then you're really talking about something else than any possible cognitive dissonance between "social liberal" and "fiscal conservative" or vice versa. Your "Provided that he's not violating another individual's rights" view is pretty much EVERYONE'S default