abel sanchez

Lamento informarle que ahora usted padece una extraña mezcla de SIDA y Cancer para la cual no existe cura. Vaya a encerrarse a su habitación y no vuelva a masacrar mi idioma, por favor.

It's funny because they are not speaking english!

¡Ay El Diablo!

Frankensnowwhite meets the zombies

Este tal Rob Schneider no me causa la menor gracia. You gringos have a ridiculous sense of humor. (goes away to watch Chespirito)


More like Renaissancepunk

Maybe this guy was planning to commit suicide that night and he wanted to go away with a clean conscience.

Scott Pilgrim was an awesome movie with a stupid script. Just like Dumb and Dumber.

Come to Butt-Head. Huhuhuh huhuhuh

I thought it was Mexico. There's people selling pirated stuff in every corner of the city.

The future is beginning to look strangely similar to the one they predicted on WALL-E.

Son, you got a panty on your head.