
I would like to know your plan to “totally prevent(able) gun violence” because that would be great. This kind of hyperbole in the article is part of why the comments to this article are the way they are.

I recall in the Sandy Hook shootings, a 7-year-old girl survived (everyone else in her class was killed) because she pretended she was dead. So not sure how in the world we can prepare kids for something like this ... but maybe there’s a potential lesson.

How about prepping them what to look for, what to listen for and what to be mindful of. A little bit of situational awareness might save your life. Know your exits. Know that if something sounds like firecrackers when there shouldn’t be any to get out of the area. Don’t hide. Just run as fast and far away from the

Why can’t we just call these people what they are. Bad people. Why does it have to change as quickly as possible to guns. I notice a trend that if something bad occurs with a gun.....we need more gun control. If they do it with a car (like recently occurred) it is swept under the rug. What about the attacks in China

Point of Order:

The mention of gun laws is kind of unnecessary in the current writeup, as there’s no follow-up. It’s like the whole “let go to reach the avatar state” thing in The Last Airbender. I thought we’d get a discussion of the rival whys of any act of violence (motive, receptivity to motive, source of the motive, logistics),

People are going to complain but it made me laugh.

A lot of new cars don’t have dipsticks. So that’s going to be an issue for a lot of people.

My car doesn’t even have a dipstick anymore...

Pre-Paid Funeral... checked

make sure it is set to OFF, got it.

-Owner of 800hp mustang.

Check Traction Control before Cars and Coffee

I would add another addendum:

I’m dead inside.

Word on the street is, since Pokémon Go uses Google Maps API to generate the maps in-game, if you download some offline maps of the areas you’ll play in it uses less data. Not sure if true but worth a try

Not vouching for the site in question (as I’ve never been) but you should really do away with your McAfee. It really is a horrid software. Windows Defender should be much more superior to your current anti-virus.

It sucks. I'd like more customization options without having to root or ROM. I know I can, but I don't want to risk it, given its roughly a $1,000 phone and I'd rather not brick it of I screw up.

Starred this not because I enjoy your misfortune, but to bring it out of the greys.

Sadly, this tends to not work on Samsung phones, like my S7 Edge :/

They don't seem to mention how many hard drives of each brand they used. If they used a lot of Seagate hard drives and not many Hitachi hard drives, then these results are scewed. There is also the figure of how much these hard drives were being used and that can also change the results.