Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series
I dunno, the Japanese trailer made it look pretty hype
Fortunately I’m in the office as I’m typing this, but LA seems to have borne the brunt of the storm. San Diego got the rain a little late yesterday afternoon, and it did make driving a tad treacherous.
I think I speak for the majority of jalopnik when I
I poured one out for Ethan, Gator, Nick, the Doc.....
So that’s where my sequel to Initial D went.
He’s still around making Vaporwave music videos.
There hasn’t been an American automotive brand that’s endeared themselves to the Japanese public yet.
Sooo....Ash used a stone mask?
So you can.....cruuuuise the vistas.
I hope Tony-senpai notices Steve-kun.
Now I’m remembering the day that TOM self-destructed.
There was also a Valiant-drawn Nintendo comic series too where Mario popped up in the real world, though he’d often segue into descriptions of Brooklyn as well.
Ben came back? Must be somethin’ up with the Kinja article algorithm....