twitchykun(ate Schrödinger's cat)

yep, Controllers with vibration function.


@southernscrew: 'fraid so. You pulled off the fat text beautifully.

I'm waiting for the facebook profile pictures.

@southernscrew: So you should be unaffected by that gentleman's insult, right?

I wonder...

the only thing....the ONLY thing keeping me from raging further the song "Move Me" playing on my iPod. Ridge Racer R4 FTMFW.

I can't translate this until after work :P

@Jagvar: Shhhhhhhhh! Forget that car ever happened! Bury it with the Honda Passport! These Isuzu-Honda badge jobs shall remain a secret! FOREVER.

@luisthebeast: Apparently during the NUMMI-era, Cavaliers were being sold as Toyotas in the land of the rising sun.

@Maxis47: At least he didn't put Toyota badges on it.

@Maxis47: "Hey, fuck you buddy."

THIS. And all of its badge-engineered brethren.

He'll buff right out.

mmmmm...Alicia Silverstone....