twitchykun(ate Schrödinger's cat)

@m2m: Don't think Ricky's got the stones to play for Manchester Utd. Real Madrid definitely.

Why did you jump?!

I'm sorry Mr. Akerson, I AM FO' REAL!

@Middleswine: I've never been more proud to be a catholic and a hoon. Awesome.

Some say that he's about to be launched into space via Norwegian rocket, and that if he worked for the BBC, he wouldn't breach his contract just to make a few pounds extra. All we know is, that's two things he's got in common with Ben Collins.


Irishman mah boiiiii, this is the life that all jalops strive for!

I'm just glad the perp got caught.

@RtFusion: Lucky Star is Azumanga + KyoAni shotouts to their previous titles, plus lots of otaku humor.

I'm down to buy a warehouse. Serious.