twitcharella moonbeam kittentoes

I kind of read the exact opposite from this statement. It feels like Alexis’s brother was being very careful in his use of language and was very respectful of Alexis’s preferences/wishes.


Only to stop you assholes who fly up from 2 miles back to squeeze into the space we left so we can stop without hitting you.

She’s not hating on the Miata as a thing, but the blind cult that has accreted around it. This kind of comment is the problem. Actually take a moment to read what she’s written.

Also, for the record, I don't like Miatas. They're the boring choice, every time, and you can get a lot more for the same price than people

Superbowls? This is the Bears.

She’s soaring in the polls and her lead will increase to double digits after the debates.

...until you have foot or knee pain and need arch support. Then you will be cursing Toms and Havianas. Signed, Former Toms Fan (until my arches revolted)

Murder house is Definitely the best and the only actually scary season.

AHS’s problem is that I think they start a season without any clue as to how they plan to end it.

I like the Nine West Flax heel. I have it in three colors. It’s only $69 on Zappos. I used to buy a ton of Nine West shoes and then gave up on them and started buying nicer brands but honestly the slightly more expensive shoes didn’t last any longer. Plus, I know I’m a 7 in Nine West so ordering online is easier. I

I like the Nine West Flax heel. I have it in three colors. It’s only $69 on Zappos. I used to buy a ton of Nine West

Chiming in here as a medical professional who also runs a sex shop:

This is easily the most assholey thing I have ever read. Only people with mental illness can be lazy? Or other people can’t be lazy because it makes you feel bad about yourself? What in the everloving fuck gave you that idea.