Thinking differently from others is fine, but when you voice those thoughts in an insulting fashion while acting in a professional capacity as a company representative, things get a little dicey.
Thinking differently from others is fine, but when you voice those thoughts in an insulting fashion while acting in a professional capacity as a company representative, things get a little dicey.
Yeah, this guy wants to run his own site I believe, not use Twitch. Also, I feel like there’s a decent market for ex-NFL punters streaming in bikinis. You could do a little better than 30k.
I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!
holy SHIT I’ve been trying to remember what the name of this game was for like ten years now and could never piece together enough clues from my memory to find an answer, thank you for settling this for me lol
Grow a dick. This is why she doesn’t like you. You don’t have a dick. I’m sure this “C” guy gives it to her like she dishes it out and that’s what she craves. I’m just amazed someone can be this dickless. Call it love, call it sex, but let’s call a spade a spade - you need to alpha up your beta game. Praise Jebus I’ve…
You are a lucky man. Does your wife also let you have anal sex with her? Because if so, you have the perfect life.
This is a bad opinion and you are a bad person.
That’s the stupidest thing anyone’s ever said on a website where most people come just to complain about the lack of dick picks.