I can’t think of a single reason to clean out my menstrual cup or wipe away clotted blood from pubes my in front of my children.
I can’t think of a single reason to clean out my menstrual cup or wipe away clotted blood from pubes my in front of my children.
God, this is horrifying and absolutely infuriating how many adults failed these brave girls once they reported and worked in concert to protect this piece of shit.
I just threw out the MAC lipstick I bought for prom...in 1998.
I was thinking this too. I have my neutrals that are for daily and then more special makeup colors for weekends and nights out. And what self respecting makeup lover has only one shade of lipstick?
Again, the disconnect amazes me. She’s fully willing to acknowledge that a kid getting in trouble for bringing in a box of AMMUNITION should be given a pass, but the brown kid with a box that CANNOT ACTUALLY HURT ANYONE & suspended & ARRESTED should not be given any kind of pass or encouragement whatsoever. I guess he…
More Confidence
That’s the thing. I said this on Gawker, but if anyone associated with the school had thought, for even one second, that it was a bomb, the reaction would have be massively different. The school would have been evacuated. The bomb squad would have been called. The teacher wouldn’t have put the “bomb” in her fucking…
That skateboard shot is frickin awesome.
He so much more like Pete in real life.
Can she point to what God’s definition of marriage is, and where it is in her Bible? That same God she’s allying herself with called for adulterers (like her) to be stoned to death.
Gofundme has smartly decided to stop letting conservative bigots profit off each other. They no longer allow anyone facing any criminal charges to receive money via the site.
Serena dismantling shitty people is just as much fun and satisfying as to watch as when she’s dismantling opponents.
Oh man, I don’t know if it’s hormones or what but ever since I had my kid stories where a baby is hurt or in danger really cut me to the bone. My first reaction is always, give me that baby, I will protect it!
Those PBS series were the BEST. The Manor House one was so fascinating especially when the French chef told the “lord” off and served him authentic food. Frontier House is my other favorite with the ridiculous rich family and the other family with the collapsing marriage.