Some folks have been trying to push ‘superhero fatigue’ since Iron Man 2. *eyeroll*
Some folks have been trying to push ‘superhero fatigue’ since Iron Man 2. *eyeroll*
Even if there is growing fatigue when it comes to superhero movies
Who has growing superhero movie fatigue? Maybe for the crappy DC movies, but for Marvel movies, I say bring ‘em on.
My interpretation is this is very intentional. When you’re making films based on something as unbelievable as super heros, making the colors muted would “ground” the film and even make it look more believable. I think we see the same thing, only much more extreme, in BvS.
Ah, so you aren’t interested in more realistic portrayals of how humans would behave in these circumstances. It’s fine if that’s not your thing, but calling it bad writing is pretty laughable. The writing was excellent overall: it just wasn’t even attempting to portray the thing you wanted to see.
Don’t see how she was written as an idiot and I haven’t seen this particular criticism before. Any specific examples that come to mind?
I liked Jessica Jones as the most reluctant, drunk, crappy, idiotic superhero of all time.
I am so freaking excited and you just made it worse!!! I am so glad to hear that Misty is good that is all I was worried about. She is my fave and I would have hated if she didn’t live up to her reputation.
Seriously, this just makes it sounds like Ayer is a shit director who doesn’t trust his actors to actually do their jobs.
Ben Affleck: “Yeah, Zack Snyder really wanted me to understand Bruce Wayne on a personal level. So one day, I walk onto set and... this was really funny... he had invited my parents down to do a set visit. They toured the set a little bit, met with the rest of the cast, and Snyder showed them some of the dailies that…
Yes, it’s so surprising that a movie that looked bad turned out to actually be bad.
“Release your tax forms, i09! Show us you’re on the feminist and Marvel payroll!"
There’s no big “conspiracy” here, dude...
Dang, I was kinda excited for this movie, now less so. Though, I guess I should have known better.
I’m assuming it’s at least better than Batfleck v Manchild of Steel: Yawn of Justice: Ultimate Frisbee Edition: Electric Boogaloo?
No way! Tom Holland is far and away the best Parker we’ve seen so far!