
Agreed....Lavin's a total asshole. Actually, Rockwell is also a dick for selling it to Lavin and not Caperon. The biggest dick of them all is AZ for not doing their job right in the first place. Can Caperon sue the state for incompetance or something. Maybe sue the actual DMV worker who fucked up? I really hope the

Then you haven't played MK9, have you? That's like saying theres no difference between SF2 and SF4 or Tekken 5 and 6.

I was there at E3 and seen the live demo in the theatre. It was EPIC! Best game at E3 was Batman Arkham Knight, this takes an easy second or third.

Holy shit. This guy gets it.

Good Guy Elon should be a meme.

Confirm's what everyone already knows...Elon is Tony Stark, and is a complete badass.


Mercedes Benz the reason we can't have nice things.

I guess he should have sent his American soldier friends, suitably equipped, to 'discuss the matter' with the dealership.

25 year import law: the reason why we can't have nice things.

Came here to say this. An automatic has a torque converter. If it doesn't have a torque converter it isn't an 'automatic'. There are really three different types of transmissions.

This story is missing a couple of facts. First, the door was left unlocked and the bear knew how to get in, but once inside the door closed behind her. Second, the perp was a moma black bear and her two cubs were left outside the car. All of this was the cause of her extreme rage against the machine. The car owner


Great work Jason! Those cabs are not easy to find.
I know about making your arcade dream come true, here is my work in progress.

It was a brilliant marketing plan. With the $40,000 Nissan 300ZX on the chopping block, and the new 350Z still years from launch, Nissan was going to keep its economy sports-car ethos on America's mind by recreating its storied past. Who wouldn't jump at the chance to own a brand new 240Z, seemingly pulled from a time

The next QOTD needs to be, "What 10 cars should manufacturers institute a vintage restoration program for?"

Yep, another engineer here, checking in to call you crazy. The trucks were used in a mine in Nevada. A.K.A. the driest desert environment around. They were only used for a couple years. Vehicles do not rust in that short time-frame or dry environment. Duh. Furthermore I wouldn't expect your average Joe working

According to the CDC, in the USA, 300,000 adults drive drunk every day. Every. Single. Day.

The 600 times thing is unbelievably disturbing.

I like how they 'point out the involvement of alcohol and not wearing seat belts', as that was the reason for dying...