
Most Pre-launch dev kits look like PCs and or use PC hardware similar to the projected console hardware... it's usually not until you get near launch that newer dev kits come out that are based on the actual production hardware.

That's good to hear, anything that improves a developers grasp of the hardware is a good thing.

The PS3 had two major hurdles to development, one was the hardware architecture, and the other was the lack of development tools and support from Sony.

Microsoft has decades of history writing development tools, and they're very good at it. As much as they shaft consumers they treat their "development customers"

The setup would have been extremely difficult to fake... they would have had to mount a dev box inside a thin aluminum post, as the only cord running to the kiosk was power. This was exceedingly apparent on the KI kiosk at the Mad Catz booth since they had joysticks setup and the stand was so flimsy it rocked back and

I played Forza 5, Killer Instinct and Zoo Tycoon at the GameStop Expo and it was definitely on actual hardware, the consoles were in plexyglass stands and you could even see that it was the only thing plugged into the TV. The way the kiosks were designed there wasn't anywhere you could hide a PC either.

You're confusion the revision number with the actual product name... for instance Windows 3.1 was actually named "Windows for Workgroups"

I was actually really looking forward to this... the ability to remote-play PS4 games from a different room was IMO worth the price alone.

Really this thing is like Sony's version of the Ouya done right, and competitively priced too.

Suffice to say I haven't been a fan of Sony's gaming hardware for years but I was

Yeah just like Nintendo ended up with the NES then the Super NES then the Super Duper NES and then the Super Super Duper NES...

It's clear that Microsoft (like Nintendo, and Sega, and Atari, and every other console hardware manufacturer other than Sony) are not interested in sequential numerical naming of their

I didn't even think of that... I'm definitely buying both.

I think it's also important to note that games you bought on Steam 10 years ago you can download and play on your NEW computer today...

By comparison in 5-7 years time Microsoft will be unveiling ANOTHER new console and if history is any indication games you bought for the Xbox One will not work on your NEW console...

Will the games look better than the ones I'm playing now?

I'm pretty sure BTTF was a big reason I became a car guy... It's without a doubt the reason I own an old black Toyota pickup.

I agree, but from what I gathered reading the article he's NOT apologizing for the joke, he's apologizing for how he responded to people's reactions to the joke.

Every time I watch SVU... I'm reminded of this comic during the credits.

It was likely prototype retail packaging... they develop and test out that stuff just as much as they do the actual game hardware.

DOSBox is somewhat different than your typical console emulator. First of all you don't need illegally distributed ROMs to run the games, you can install/run them from the original discs. Also DOSBox gains legitimacy due to the fact that several major publisher use it as the official mechanism for re-releases of their

It's hard to see in the photos above but it actually says "fairlady" in the taillights. If they really were planning on making a KA24DE based "240Z" car I'm kind of glad they didn't. Having owned several cars powered by that motor it's pretty damn weak.

maybe not exactly a 350Z prototype, but this car was supposed to bridge the gap between the 300ZX (Z32 chassis) and 350Z (Z33 chassis)... You can kind of see the styling is a weird bastard child of the Z32 and the original concept Z33 from 1999

I always thought the S14 240SX based prototype for 350Z was kind of cool in an "alternate reality" kind of way...

Most people I know call the Xbox 360 "the 360" or "a 360"