
The problem is two fold:
1. Non-Ouya controllers need to be explicitly supported by the game. I haven't tried Lttle Dew yet but out of the 30 some odd demos I've downloaded to my Ouya only 2 of them worked with the PS3 controller

Yeah, I guess I didn't pick up on that while watching the stream. I also remember KI when it was in the arcades. I'm a big fan of the franchise I actually recently finished restoring an original dedicated KI2 machine for my game room:…

I see, I tuned in just before the first match and it was just the announcers talking about the game.

I an sort of understand why people would be upset...

Weird, I tuned into the TwitchTV stream so I could watch the exhibition and, I'm not sure if this stage thing happened before I tuned in but I didn't hear any vitrol from the crowd during the matches... actually, from what I could hear of the crowd it sounded like everyone was getting into the fights just like every

I think you need to go back and re-read this discussion thread. This whole thread was started by me creating a post lamenting the fact that I was a day 1 backer and hadn't yet received my Ouya.

My second post stated that part of the reason I became a backer is because I wanted to write a pre-release review for my

I did watch the video, I actually subscribe to AlphaOmegaSin so I saw it when it was first posted and I completely agree with him.

I still find it ridiculous that you would expect me to trash the Ouya in my review without having even received the console. If I'm going to write something about it I'm going to form my

it's my understanding is that the games played are based on the interest of competitors... I'd personally love to see some Virtual On Oratorio Tangram but sadly the game isn't popular enough to see it at an event like evo.

Now playing

So far Chronoblade and Towerfall are the stand out titles on Ouya for me... They really look and feel like professional titles.

What content is available on the PC version that you can't get on console? or are you just referring to user mods?

I've already picked up FTL... Civ isn't really my cup-o-tea but I'll give Isaac a look, thanks.

I've already played and beat the console version. I have a few hundred games on the 360 and PS3 so chances are if it's on console and worth playing, I already own it.

Its hard to argue with a price that cheap.... I'll definitely pick those up.

You're still on about this? Seriously, move on with your life.

I've already completed the game on console twice.

THANK YOU for that... I read an article on that game a while back and by the time I had got around to putting it on my wish list I couldn't remember the name.

I remember seeing Kentucky Route Zero and thinking it looked interesting, some of those other titles I'll have to look into, thanks.

I'm a big fan of story driven games, or anything that offers a good puzzle (like Myst or Portal). Either that or a good fighting game or racing game, classic arcade style titles too. I'm not real big on strategy games.

will do, thanks!

I'm looking for any suggestions, not just what's on sale today... heck it might go on sale tomorrow!

I've got both of the L4D games on console already and played them to death. I see a lot of people recommending Don't Starve and Hotline Miami, I'll check them out, thanks!