
Did they ever combine the two, perhaps using glitter to write "Gladys cheats at Bingo" on a canvas tote bag?

I had that copy, picked up for me at the second hand store no doubt, and I read it until the cover fell off.

As soon as she said she was inspired by those turquoise bits and was gonna stone a corset and build her look around it I knew she was done.


Also it doesn't even matter if something is sharp or not. Punch something hard and your skin will split.

Missed opportunity: "The Town with PEP!" being a cocaine hub rather than heroin.
Also, who the hell uses a fist to break through ice instead of a boot/shoe heel?

Don't forget "smoke weed". When I think of mixing pot with sex I think of bad breath and being too lazy to try anything ambitious. Oh, and having to use lube for everything because of the anticholinergic effects.

Yeah, my husband does what we refer to as "sleep raping". While he's not conscious enough to take a simple "no" for an answer he won't persist if I gently push him away or refuse to cooperate. I usually just go along with it unless I really need my sleep.

I never really liked crab until I tried it dipped i simple white vinegar and oil. Sounds weird but the butter always overwhelmed it to me, and the vinegar/oil enhances the flavour. I think it's fun to eat too, because you have some nice champagne and sit on a patio and just hang out and eat crab and have a delightful

I agree, but I think in the same situation I would, regrettably, be a Joan, so I have to reserve some sympathy for her.

Charlie broke my heart. I was so looking forward to see more of her, but I think she was one of those queens who quickly realized this show was not the best format to showcase her talents.

This. The world needs more penis trigonometry.

Isn't Betty on Ritalin or something? That's probably why she drinks decaf. Fine-tuning your stimulants can be tricky, gotta squeeze into that tiny crack between under- and overstimulation. 100mg of caffeine is enough to upset the balance. Okay, I'm officially reading too much into things.

So what you're saying is that this gator is my drunk ex boyfriend?

Exactly! And we can look forward to the same thing many years from now but with Simpsons quotes or memes or something

Or there's the Dr. Pepper shooter, where you drop a shot of amaretto into a beer.

I wouldn't go so far as to call it "niche" up here. It's available at any grocery store, convenience store and some fast food joints (Taco Time!), at least in BC. I mostly drink diet pop and Dr. Pepper is probably the least diet-tasting diet drink. I would say it's definitely more popular than, say, Mt. Dew.

When I was a teenager in my first LTR we broke AT LEAST one out of every 3, didn't matter what brand (ok I think Trojans were slightly more durable) Somehow I never got pregnant.

Smell is inexorably linked to taste, and I don't understand how one could say something smells like hot garbage but tastes delicious. It makes no sense to me. I like certain strong cheeses, but the parmesan I like certainly does not smell like vomit, and I could never eat a raw chunk of it. I'll try almost anything,

The thing that keeps sticking in my mind when anything is mentioned about Jason actually being in love with Polly is that he wrote her damn name in that gross book of conquests. While it's entirely possible Jason was being a typical teenager and just going along with his buddies while actually being in love with her I