
The problems that keep this from being a sweet $4500 example of the Jalopnik dream ride are the hard hot starts, perished main seals, and those cut springs. The springs are easy enough to replace, but the rest is $$$, and it must be accounted for in the price. If the seller wants the full asking, they must first

Not a diesel.

The driver was trying to real the Mustang in. Mustangs cannot control themselves and always head for the nearest crowd. It’s just instinct.

Driver went full mustang. You never go full mustang.

In rally cross? Frequently.

just for the dash alone NP, I know it’s a premium for a project, but you should be able to wrench this for the rest of the summer and at least have a winter beater in time for the snow flying

Nope. $2000 max, and that’s pushing it pretty hard.

You think it’s more reasonable to completely uproot your life, at great personal expense, than to ask your employer for better pay and working conditions?

This kind of attitude is why the robber barons were so successful. “Accept your shitty conditions or find a new job” doesn’t work when there’s shitty conditions everywhere. That’s why unions and strikes came into being in the first place. This strike is affecting over 100 dealerships, what do you expect all of those

... another way to reduce distracted driving is to have a 3rd pedal

And by ‘USA’, you actually mean ‘Canada’...

The US is far from the highest standard in equality. Most of Europe is very well integrated, as are our overly apologetic neighbors to the north. But we are definitely in the top 10%.

Right. I’ve traveled the world and the US isn’t the highest standard in equality and decency.

Uh, not sure I would go that far. The US has serious issues, not even close to a beacon of hope for anything.

“Hang on a minute, lads - I’ve got a great idea... uh...”

Ford Aerostar baby!!

Mazda5 says hello.

Re: F Vegetables

I miss his early style.

I thought that the earliest videos were surreal and some of his best.