
At least Gawker had charm. Splinter is like hanging out with the freshman who thinks their poly sci lecture is a dialogue. 

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

Splinter: Where all candidates must be “inspiring” & “perfect”...

Remember, if you’re not in agreement with everything Splinter believes then you aren’t a true Democrat and if you aren’t a true Democrat you shouldn’t be supported. Barack Obama is the reason we now have Trump. /s

It’s not a Splinter writer but it only took a minute.

Splinter writers will be here any minute to let you know that Susan Rice is just a centrist corporate stooge of the corrupt Democratic Party from the woefully disappointing Obama administration that probably wouldn’t have been any different for the country if McCain/Romney were in the White House. (sorry, was just

This is hilarious. You fucking people will turn on each other at the drop of a hat. 

Democrats brought up all those things you talked about. Kavanaugh responded by asking Amy Klobuchar whether she’d ever blacked out. A lot of people who watched it noticed it, and talked about it, and wrote about it. You could try to better inform yourself if you’re getting paid to write about politics, I guess. 


The only democrats who failed us are the ones who didn’t vote for Hillary. 

If the Democrats controlled the Senate, Kavanaugh would not be confirmed. That single, simple fact is the only response required to this piece. But on a personal note, I would like to also suggest that you delete everything you have ever written and go find some work more suited to your character, like robbing graves

Either we replace the democratic party or we take it over. The former would require decades that we won’t live through... the latter would require us to abandon the notion of a “moderate right leaning” bias in order to attract the “moderate” vote. The former element would simply weaken the system until one or the

I’m surprised you didn’t blame Obama while you were at it

You are a fool and as much, if not more, of a problem then any of the Democrats you named.

You actually think they could have prevented Judge Kegstand from being confirmed? I don’t think you understand how little power the Democrats have.

Instead, Democrats put all their chips on an investigation by the FBI—an inherently evil organization which they have no control over.

This is just classic Splinter clickbait. They don’t want to have to admit that the people who told them that protest voting for Jill Stein would cost us the Supreme Court were actually right. 

Anticipating a working knowledge of government procedures and rules (especially when those procedures and rules would preclude the kind of high-handed moralizing that suffuses so many posts around here) is a fool’s errand.

Shit, a working knowledge of politics would’ve kept a lot of these clowns from the “she doesn’t

Meanwhile Jezebel is posting stories trying to get another Democratic civil war going (Cortez/Pelosi cage match! Take that Neo-liberals!). Is that what we fucking need right now??? Stop making it easier for these motherfuckers to win!

This week the Supreme Court decided that it’s unconstitutional to force fake doctors to tell women the truth, but totally constitutional to force real doctors to lie to them. That’s the court we have right now. And it’s about to become so much worse.