
Is the Fingerpoke of Doom an available attack method in Fallout 4?

The Beavis and Butt-head one wins everything in life.

Is Nintendo going to announce the new Cruis’n game here?

That was my first MotoGP race I watched. Is it as good as that one?

I can relate to the first guy. I’ve been trying to get a girlfriend, but no success whatsoever. Tried OKC, nope. Trying POF, at least I got a rejection. I refuse to use tinder.

Came in here to see Tommy Wiseau’s ugly face left satisfied.

When EA said they would listen to the fans, I knew this was gonna suck. The loudmouthed idiots who thought the series started with Underground got their way, and it shows. Hopefully, this game bombs hard, EA gets the memo, and gives us a sequel to Porsche Unleashed.


I want to show up to a Halloween party as John Cena, but the WWE shop’s replica championship belt is $500.

Dude must be unhappy the PS4 has competition.

Dude must be unhappy the PS4 has competition.

Xbox One version?

It's been a long night and I fucking hate the Eagles, man.

Eight year olds Donny.

I think its Origin only, and yeah, that is pretty weird and second class.

The only thing missing was Rossi bouncing a lead pipe off of Marquez’s head while Rusty Cage plays in the background.

The Origin version has everything except for Big Surf Island.

Sorry Katy, as much as I want to make sweet sweet love to you, I'm still Team Bernie.

The “no wireless, less space than a nomad, lame” comment was from the founder of Slashdot, IIRC.

Taylor Swift, I can understand. But Drake? Seriously?