
I came into this thread for a joke like that, leave satisfied. +1

Or Jonathan Coulton.

Nuke this and that no-talent Lil' Kim wannabe from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Wait, are we talking about the B-movie or the game?

I read the last sentence of this article as "GWAR indeed", and I want to listen to some GWAR now.

I think the Season 2 Ultra pass for Killer Instinct becomes available Tuesday along with a retail copy of Season 1.

Now playing

Dirty Drivin'. It's a love child of Sega Rally and Mario Kart with all the awesomeness that entails.

This may sound like sacrilege, but I want the Scat Pack more.

He already bitched about it this week. He also took a swipe at Sergio over the poor Dodge Viper sales too.

If you played San Francisco Rush on the Nintendo 64, then yes.

I know some people look down on prison rape jokes, but can we please make an exemption for this guy?


I don't know why the fucking Texans are the Dolphins' kryptonite. I just... oh fuck it.

Sony threw in the towel on the Vita, why should anyone else bother?

Not me, I want some goddamn Vita games that aren't ports, indies, or visual novels.

"Goodbye Despair" is an apt description for people looking for an AAA experience for the Vita.

I can't read this.

Taxi! is getting hammered right now with new users.

I imagine so, the PS3 and XBLA ports hand out a trophy/achievement for pulling it off in challenge mode.