
Pacers are deader than the Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania.

Somehow, Brawl in the Family is even worse than usual. I didn't think that would be possible.

Ray, the guy in the Need for Speed movie who stripped butt naked in front of his coworkers reminded me of you. That's how I imagine you sent in your resignation letter to Grand Master Denton.

I'd rather have Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed, because it doesn't punish you for being skilled.

Are we going to get Assassins Creed: Cyclone and Assassins Creed: Hurricane as well?

Sadly, no.

People need to stop shitting on the NFS movie. It's not supposed to win Oscars.


Sega sells classic Genesis games on Steam, and I have all of them, so the 6-button Genesis pad makes a lot of sense.

Remember when people were mocking Microsoft for doing the same thing with unique TV shows on Xbox? Those were the days.

I don't see it. The Spano looks more like a car out of Ridge Racer, like the Verano, MP4-12C and 458 Italia, amongst others.

They still killed net neutrality, though. I'm switching to T-Mobile ASAP.

The Taki one is the best of the butt... I mean, bunch.

I thought Sony was humbled after the disastrous PS3 launch. Instead, their post E3 2013 posture just reeks of arrogance.

After Ford shit the bed with the 2015 Mustang, this was the best thing Chevrolet could do.

Nope. It's not just pissed off Aliens fans who believe this.

Gearbox allegedly took money from Sega to make Aliens CM, but went behind their back and used that money to make Borderlands 2 instead.

I still wouldn't trust anything related to Gearbox after Aliens CM.

I just hope Sega didn't get swindled so this could get made.

Sega localized Hatsune Miku and not this. Great priorities guys! /s