
That's cute, still using "Xbone" like it's a clever insult.

So, with a new NBA commish, what are the chances for a new team in Seattle?

Get your eyes checked.

In case you aren't aware, the Xbox One is selling well, so that isn't mattering. Do you really want a one-console future?

Microsoft isn't going to lose the race because of this.

You must also think the 2015 Mustang is beautiful.


Rouge looks hawt.

Brawl in the Family still sucks. It's about as funny as a root canal.

ITT entitled hipster acts butthurt over something being popular.

Now playing

I don't know if this counts, but pinball designer Steve Ritchie was caught by the California Highway Patrol once doing 146 MPH in a 1979 Porsche 928.

Enjoy your exclusives. Wait...

Is Manbearpig in the game?

Oh god, yes, this.

It's beyond time for a hard salary cap in baseball, so the Yankees can be saved from themselves. Apparently, they haven't learned a thing from giving A-Fraud a huge contract.

Dat ass.

Do you have a Porsche 918 Spyder on order?

Nope. That isn't a Mustang.

How did the Mister Ed one not win? Willlllburrr!
