
Except good looking. This is design-by-committee at its worst.


Zen Pinball is okay, but I prefer The Pinball Arcade since the physics are more realistic, and you can't argue with some of the more iconic tables available.

It keeps getting worse and worse with each pic. I'd get an S197 model now because they're only going to appreciate in price after this designed-by-committee abomination flops.

It keeps getting worse and worse with each pic. I'd get an S197 model now because they're only going to appreciate in price after this designed-by-committee abomination flops.

You can polish a turd, but it's still shit.

I play the PS Vita version with just the bumpers, so it should be possible.

Did you have your eyesight checked lately? Because that is a fucking awful excuse for a Mustang.

Fuck the cat and fuck the blind person who designed that shit stain of a Mustang.

It looks like a turd in a punch bowl. No amount of speed can fix that. It's going to bomb harder than the new Lady Gaga album.

Dammit, I made my Poltergiest reference today!

They're heeeeeeeere!!!

Thanks, now everyone in the computer lab is looking at me funny because I laughed so hard.

Puppies make anything better. Unless you're a cat.

I better call the burn unit at the ER!

I'm in favor of this.

Only if you bogart that joint, bro.

You don't need that pack to unlock that car.

I liked the current Mustang. It's just the right amount of retro. This abomination is going to tank hard in the market.

And much like the Honda Civic, the new Mustang will tank in sales forcing an emergency redesign after one year.