Now I want a steak and a side called Flamin' Onion! That sounds awesome!
Now I want a steak and a side called Flamin' Onion! That sounds awesome!
My soon to be sister in law is vegan and her upcoming wedding is also going to be vegan. I've eaten the food that their caterer is going to make and everything is DELICIOUS. Except the stuff that is trying to be meat. It was inedible and revolting. Nothing at all like meat in anything other than look. Oh and some kind…
Must say, I always assume I'll never match the properties so I don't even look at them if it's not an instant winner. Straight into the garbage.
To be fair, who wants foamy potatoes!?
Got a bad hashbrown and Diet Coke habit, and despite tons of those little tickets I have won 3 things. A breakfast sandwich, a month of Hulu, and a Shutterfly magnet. No where near 1 in 4 for me. Must have bad luck!!
Now I'm really kicking myself that I never asked the nurses if I talked about anything!!!
Ahh that's so freaky!
I probably *should* start saying corner at the store. I wait a few seconds and usually end up with "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!!!"
Ha, I tried translating that from my non-restaurant worker position and got "grilled cheese, no ____ , with cheese"
OMG that's hilarious!!! Those doctors must have been laughing... the things they must hear. I always wonder if I said anything during my IVF cycle. They do that twilight sedation, so you don't remember anything but I think you're awake. I have zero memory from the second I went to "sleep" until I woke up an hour…
*** We absolutely wish we were dead.
Christ, it's like dining at my dear dead grandmother's house. She of the "children should be seen and not heard" and "ladies don't sweat, they perspire."
I can see that POV and you may be right about a lack of awareness. But I think that a lack of awareness is better than the way you're aware being sitting Indian style, giving Indian burns, or calling someone and Indian giver. None of those things bring up anything Native American related other than the name and a…
I'm a picky eater. For me, it's usually a texture thing. My toddlers LOVE yogurt, their yogurt smells AMAZING, I love frozen yogurt, but the idea of taking one bite of their yogurt makes me want to throw up. Since yogurt is in no way crucial to my diet, I'm not going to bother trying to get over that.
God forbid children sit cross legged. If they aren't sitting Indian style how will they ever learn about Native American culture and history!?!
It never occurred to me to try it, only after a server flipped one and asked if we wanted to use it did I start! It may not have been safe, but we never had knocked over kids. Honestly, I think the only places we used it like that was someplace where the kids were situated between two adults, not anywhere that a…
Right? I woke up sore today. Used to be that you went to bed sore and woke up refreshed.
Indeed. You would need a LOT of Depends to be 93 forever.
Ah well, we never had an issue and aren't expecting to have any more babies so we made it out alive!
This adds an extra layer of irony to my infertility struggles. My freaking birth month flower attracts sperm.