
I never get why incest stories are so popular. It pretty much just creeps me out.

lol Well at least you know yourself well enough to try to slow yourself down with a class! That's a step in the direction of not marrying the first person who asks :)

Your tumblr is hilarious. I want to read and read but I'm scared that I'll just hate humanity by the end of it :)

Do it. Yoga pants are comfy and everybody deserves to be comfy.

I am still laughing about the python bit though. Sounds like a lovely feeling.

I hope they aren't spending 90% of their time there, you know, sleeping!

Oh god, spanx makes tights?? That sounds like the compression things they put on your legs when you're on hospital bedrest. Doesn't sound fun to me!!

I'd rather just find a dress that doesn't require them on my body. Like a not skin tight dress or a not silk dress.

13 years as a gymnast (13 years that ended 19 years ago) and I still suck in my stomach unconsciously. A habit that will probably never go away.

Ha, pregnancy was my first thought too! Two babies move your organs around a LOT. First thing I did when I woke up after my section was take a big deep breath as it had been weeks if not months since I could inhale deeply.

Oh god, seriously. I got married like 6 hours north of the city I lived in and had to go there to get the license! What a pain.

Get to know the person you're marrying on your own before you get married and you're giving your marriage the best chance. You don't need a class. Talk to them, about everything, get on the same page about money, sex, and kids.

Why bother letting him have a possibility of keeping his job? No parent of a female child is ever going to want her child in his class ever again. And probably no parent of a male child either. WTF.

Shoes are pretty but they do not look comfortable for pregnant feet at all!!!

I'm gross and dirty and even I tossed my husband's gym bag in the wash once in a while.

Interesting, thanks for the information.

It's not that he was judgmental necessarily, just that he's making a big deal of it (have to go back in 3 months and possibly get blood work done) when they're growing along their own curve just not leaping up to the 5th percentile chart.

I walk out of the pediatrician's office feeling like my kids will never get on that damn weight chart. I hate the infrequent times we have to see the doc that's obsessed with being on the chart. Obviously a different issue than the article, though still annoying.

Oh yeah, I have no problem with people declining whatever medical treatment they want as long as they don't forbid it for others, or forbid its coverage. I just have such a hard time with a parent making that choice for a child or newborn. I can't imagine being the doctor that has to watch that preemie die because the

Wow. Everyone sins (in a religious person's eyes, not mine), so I think I'd just take everyone else's sins and you know, LIVE rather than only have my own sins and die.